999 year 2000/01 Prototype - the Evidence...

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Exige, May 22, 2013.

  1. Ah, of course; can't fit them all in but I keep their heads in the bed so they are safe :Happy:
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  2. Only just found this thread, great story, will keep watching for updates.

  3. " The meat lumps in these Tesco lasagnes are just getting a touch too rustic for my liking..."
  4. there's a technical phrase in that neck of the woods, goes along the lines of "questo rompe sempre le palle, ma perche no se ne va 'fanculo?"

    I think they might be ruminating that at the moment. I'd just drive it down there in a tranny van and demand some answers - after all, like Loreal, you're worth it.
  5. Well, I decided to be impatient and sent a polite reminder today - just in case they have forgotten about me :Happy:
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  6. Had a call today regarding my mail of yesterday, just to say it was passed on to the relevant department and she hasn't heard anything yet... stalling, hoping I go away, not sure what to say, not arsed, working on a genuine answer? Any but the latter I think.
  7. Phone call just now the gist of which was...

    The bike was built as a static show bike and should not be used on road or track - expected

    Regarding it's earlier history - "our expert completely agrees with you" - totally not expected!!! :Wideyed:

    I await an e-mail she promised to back this up with some trepidation...
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  8. Oh ye of little faith....
  9. Not quite yet, until I see it in writing - she said she would do a mail straight away, nearly an hour now... tum te tum te tum, maybe I will just go to the pub while it comes...
  10. Nope, nothing yet and they have gone home for the weekend :(
  11. I have a sneaking suspicion that you're not at the top of their priority list....
  12. pics of his project kwak

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  13. Dam spy shots - ruined my launch you fekker :(
  14. Still no mail today (which was promised Friday as soon as I finished the call) so I chased at lunch time with a reminder e-mail. Had a reply straight away just stating it was made for display purposes and shouldn't be used on the road or track. No mention of their expert agreeing with everything my document had said as I was promised! Really frustrating :(

    I mailed back reminding her she had promised to forward the e-mail regarding it's earlier life - no answer, silence again...

    Antonye has a lead he is following and has sent the document, hopefully will hear something soon from that line of investigation.
    #136 Exige, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2014
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  15. She hasn't emailed you back yet because it's Italy. patience is a virtue, "Piano piano con calma", and all that.

    That and she probably thinks you're a complete cock.

    exige : "thank you Sev for rightly predicting it was built never to run and that's why they were all so fucked off that I've got it and want to run it"

    Sev : "That's alright Exige, it's really not a problem, the pleasure's all mine"

    exige : "Am I really a complete cock Sev? - I think the lovely lady in Italy don't like me much?"

    Sev : "No exige, you're not a complete cock. You're a nob but a likeable nob... Now please stop waving your testicles in my face - I'm not a fan of Teabags, I prefer coffee..."

    Exige : "Thanks Sev, I understand, but I'm from Yorkshire like, and our roads are nicer than your shite surrey roads, and I have considerably more bikes than Yeoaw" *continues to wave bollocks in face*

    I thang Yeaow. :)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  16. Why have you substituted your name for her name and how have you managed to get a word for word transcript of my conversation! Your her aren't you :Wideyed:
  17. rumbled! :O
  18. Just re-read your slideshow. Looking like you do indeed have the very first 999 to have existed in complete form. As far as can be ascertained any way. how exciting.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
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