M3 New Cameras

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. As I was riding along the M3 on Monday from Sunbury to Fleet, and back the other way later, I noticed that a series of new cameras are in course of installation (but not yet in operation). There are yellow masts each with a set of three yellow camera boxes, of the kind used for average speed scams. Nothing unusual there, you might think, except that the cameras are all rear facing, i.e. they look at your rear number plate, not the front one. That means that when they come into operation, they will be catching bikes just as much as cars. Just thought you would like to know.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. I saw them yesterday
  3. you would..
  4. I did. It wasn't difficult :rolleyes:
  5. Are they about to do some roadworks with 50 zones?
  6. Maybe. But they look more like the permanent kind to me.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  7. I saw them on Monday returning from our holiday. I also pondered about them facing the 'wrong way'. there are roadworks planned later this month, according to the highways agency page, it says SPECS cameras will be used. A google search suggest these can face either way. there were also bollards at the side of the road but each camera said Not in Use (at the moment).
  8. I saw the thread title and panicked!
    Both my dukes were being tested on this road this week and the progress was brisk.
  9. Could be for some planned roadworks. If not though, it would make more sense to have them the other way, fleet to the M25 in order to slow traffic before it reaches the gridlock that is J4-J2 in the mornings
  10. They don't need speed cameras on the M3, they need lane discipline cameras:mad:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  11. They are in both directions.

  12. On the entire motorway network........
  13. Anything to do with tax discs being phased out and reliance on ANPR???
  14. Believe me ,I see quite a few Herbert's speeding through average speed cameras for roadworks on M25, they fly past at 80 or more,and why,because they are probably not taxed,insured,licensed and so no one to send a speeding ticket too.
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  15. What they really need, is some bloody lights on the actual motorway
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