Scott And Bailey

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Suranne Jones would get it :upyeah:
  2. She's got the biggest head on a woman I've ever seen
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Must resist..........must resist
  4. Are we talking about this Suranne Jones..?


    Or this one..?


    The power of makeup, eh...
  5. Top one, with top bollox :)
  6. Top one needs a pearl necklace
  7. whats wrong with you man.
  8. And I'd be willing to give her one :)
  9. What is she, about 15 in the top photo? Certainly it's a few years ago......
  10. About a 36D, I reckon...

  11. The power of photo editing suites! The pneumatic version...
  12. No... her norks really are that big...
    Is the bottom pic from a TV show ? Maybe that's got make-up in it too - ever thought of that? She is an actress...
    And yes, she definitely would !
  13. Just like those Suzi Perry pics of her on a 916.
  14. Yeah, the Perry woman was a right old munter, weren't she...

  15. How old is she there, 18-19?
  16. 47...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Do em all!!!!
  18. Yeah do them all now, even if they don't want it.... Oh no that might be classed as rape!
  19. Rohypnol.... what they dont know dont hurt em! J/k by the way
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