3 weeks I've been sat on my arse, the house is still a mess, the garden's a tip, the car's filthy. I just can't be arsed at all.
Don't talk to me about arses. I had an op two weeks ago on mine to get rid of an ingrowing hair that turned into an abscess. Fistular I think it is called. 20 stitches later and feel like I have had an arse lift and it is very painful. Stitches are due out tomorrow I hope. Enjoy your lunches
Full korean dinner. Absolutely stuffed, taking refuge on the sofa, can't be arsed to answer the phone.. Or change channel, so Time Team it is.
I remember when I had a healing laparotomy scar, I found a fragment of stitching sticking out of my skin. I started pulling it out, and ended up with four inches of thread in my hand. Made me feel vaguely nauseous, that did!
Just had the GP call me. Two week after operation I was in terrible pain feeling like I was being cut in two. Despite doing everything right in terms of salt baths and pills I now have a strep infection. Dunno if that will change the decision to remove the stitches today or not and more importantly if I can go back to work next week. I am so bored and daytime TV is shite! Probably means I am going to be off the bike a little longer now too. Gutted.