Where Did The Forum Go Again...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Exige, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Matt, when it goes tits up it is normal service ;)
    Perhaps we can have some abnormal service for a change where it works for a day :Hilarious:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Ah, normal service resumed there as well :Hilarious:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Is there a reason for the down time? Is it because of the switch from provider last year? Or Server issues?
  5. that's really only a question @Rob can answer im afraid
  6. I thought it had been determined as ET unplugging the server to put the kettle on, they moved them to Yorkshire as he was on PlusNet in his kitchen...
  7. If its something a bit extra funding might help improve why not have a bit of a funding drive?
  8. Rob and me by the looks of it ;)
  9. What with all the new finding from Ducati! They will only spend it on beer - which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong :p
  10. Kettle on again at 4pm?
  11. I DEMAND A REFUND!!!!! Oh, wait... o_O
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. I demand to pay so I can have my money back!!! Oh, wait... :Banghead:
  13. I just got this.....very strange!!!

    The website cannot display the page

    HTTP 500

    Most likely causes:
    • Matt.
    • ET - although probably not, he's on holiday.

    What you can try:

    [​IMG] Kick Matt up the arse. or refresh the page.

    [​IMG] Find a Forum with a proper server.Try Yamaha, they're similar.

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  14. Its a denial of service attack from the GS forum :Angelic:
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