I didn't like him, but he had the strength in his convictions to attempt change. I respect that. I might forgive him in time. But not helmet heed. She can get tae....
Where was Sean Connery .... All pro Scottish independent. O yea, living in the Bahamas as a tax exile
All Alex Salmond needs now is a good holiday, a seat in the House of Lords, a publishing contract for his memoirs, and a few well-paid non-executive directorships. All richly deserved.
take his lead , if you cant acknowledged what has happened here and how it will benefit the rest of the uk you truly are a grumpy old man with no credible opinion.
I think its still potential benefit @finm, yet to be physically realised... Hopefully it will. Many strands of change and moving forward/differently.
To me it just comes across and a child throwing his toys out of his pram. Bit sad really. This is still a key time in Scotlands history, despite losing the independence vote, he was probably the best man to lead the nation. It would surely have been better to hold the post for another year or so and then step down graciously
probably the wrong man for the up and coming negotiations. they will end up at a stalemate. gone but not forgotten. i have just joined the S.N.P. and look forward to helping where i can.
I think he mat have been deluded on what Scotland wanted. The SNP got voted into the Scottish parliament and has pretty much stayed there not because people wanted independence, but because they were the only alternative to Scottish "old & second class" Labour and IMHO are a far more effective force. He carried the country to what he saw as the logical conclusion to what he'd been fighting for all these years, but was out maneuvered by Westminster, especially on the EEC and currency. Had there been viable alternatives from the Yes campaign to these issues the outcome could well have been VERY different (despite Pete's protestations). He is either doing the honorable thing or he's sick of the whole thing and stepping down to put his feet up for an easy life and earn squillions as an after dinner speaker and company director on whoever makes him offers (and I'm willing to bet they will be queuing up). Even Gordon Brown the most disastrous PM that I can remember is earning over a million in other earnings outside parliament. I do agree with Matt though he's still the best person for the job. It will be interesting to see how Ms Sturgeon fairs. Thank the lord its all over. My hope is that both England, Scotland and Wales will stay together but devolve into a more Federalist nation (I don't mention Ireland as I don't know enough about the situation there which is totally different and a bit artificial in the way politics are conducted). Salmond may in time be seen as the man who was the vanguard of a new age in UK politics, accidentally or not. I'm not a big fan of the man but he stuck to his pledge and promise which is a rare thing these days in the ever changing quicksands that are politics.