........... or business as usual ? What new powers will emerge as result of the promises made in the final stages of the Independence Campaign. What will happen in Scotland now the SNP have shot their bolt. Will there be a move back to Labour or will the Conservatives have a revival north of the border. Will the West Lothian Question be answered. Will the masses in England, Wales and N Ireland rise up and demand a greater voice. What do you think ?
we will experience an increasing number of 'regional independence' campaigns and parties springing up we will now experience the growth of at least 4 'freedom parties' and threats to harm if demands aren't met, bombings and general heightened in UK terror threats we will experience all the parties winding back the promises, delaying and taking more power into westminster, not giving it up, and they will decrease privacy rights further, and increase 'squeal on your neighbour' even more with rewards for doing it, of course those rewards ill be you wont be arrested yourself
I don't think people want regional independence, it was rejected in the North East several years ago, what they want is a government that they can identify with.
no shrinking of the s.n.p. not now that i have just joined. will be interesting to see how there support goes if the promises are not met, and now that the financial institutions aren't confirming the will stay in Scotland see the independant news paper. i think there should be more devolved powers for the rest of the uk. remember when the uk had an industrial base and a strong union (with to much power) now we have the opposite, take some back, get involved. regarding the lothian question, if the polices don't contribute to an unfair advantage, get it done.
Everything will turn out fine again. No one will die and we will all accept a compromised solution and move on with our lives.
Mary had a little lamb it's fleece was white as snow and every where that Mary went the lamb was sure to go.
If you try to move ahead with pessimism all you will end up with is what you foresaw. If you move ahead with optimism you are more likely to end up where you wanted to go. The choice is yours.
made that choice, if you are happy cool, i am a very happy person also, especially when i feel i am making a difference.
I noticed no one touched on the sectarian problem that's alive in Scotland. Also it was reported mrs salmond has not been well for a while , forcing mr salmond to go to her aid. None of this was mentioned during the run up? I wondered if she'd been better if their had won? Me smells rats.
i recently mentioned on another thread that certain mindsets are attracted to certain jobs but just in case you missed it andyb 80%+ cared enough to vote. just out of interest whats the B short for? @Gimlet i went looking for some stuff on ukip got a bit on david coulburn during the ref results that i never seen. what a thoroughly detestable man. i think in politics you have to be a bit of a diplomat also but he is a shit stirring so and so, if that is an example of ukip deffo no thanks.
Unfortunately UKIP does attract more than it's fair share of loonies which the media are more than willing to quote. It would be a mistake to assume that all UKIP supporters are closet racists and extremists.
In my view the key is local authorities. The city councils, borough councils and county councils have seen more and more of their powers stripped away over the past 40 years. Now they are eunuchs, penniless and powerless, closely supervised by the centre and wholly dependent on block grants. Councils still have enforceable legal obligations heaped upon them, but are deprived of the means of meeting those obligations. We don't need an extra layer of elected bodies in England, we just need the existing elected bodies to be given back some of the powers they have lost.
So we dont want powers taken from Europe, bug we do from national leadership Pete? Think you've been on the afternoon shandy wagon
Local authorities used to have powers relating to their own geographical areas only, and only to areas of competence like schools, social services, parks, local roads, planning & building, housing, libraries, buses, etc. along with the power to raise money locally to pay for them. They never had and do not need any powers at all at a national level. Unfortunately most of the local powers have been taken away by successive governments - most of all in the Thatcher era. The centre needs powers to deal with corruption or illegality in local authorities, but no more - it does not need to tie up local authorities hand and foot. Here's one example: councils with a desperate need for housing in their area, and money available to build housing, are forbidden by central government to use that money to build housing. Here's another example: local education authorities are still legally obliged to provide school places for every school-age child in their area, but are forbidden from setting up schools so they can meet that obligation. It's madness. And no, this has nothing whatever to do with the EU, so don't start!
All politicans will believe that they are respected by the general public and that we look up to them. They will believe that they are serving the comunity (except where they are serving themselves) they will draw their expenses in the misunderstanding that they derserve them. No change then:Grumpy: