about the way it is........and what does that mean those of us in the rest of the UK are putting up with? Should we be challenging it too?
In a effort to be sensible thats not what I mean Pete........ What didn't they like to cause this whole expensive waste of time of a vote.........ie, what is it that the rest of us that haven't had a chance to vote are having to put up with?
I think they liked the prospect of independence but not the thought of leaping into it blindfolded, which is what they were being asked to do.
i think those that live in Scotland including those that have settled here believe independence was the correct thing to do, many where scared in to voting no(pensioners) could there vote have swung it? would it still have been enough of a majority to be justifiable? i cant imagine a time where i wont think it will be unfordable, why would a group of people in power try so hard to hang on to a small country that costs so much and is becoming such a pain in de ass, unless there was a financial or strategic reward in it?. it will probably come across as sour grapes but to get 45% v.good in a vote with zero support and constant ridicule from the media, trust me if you live south of the boarder you only got to see what the papers and t.v company's allowed you to see. stop being blindfolded. for the vast,vast majority it had jack shit to do with you' just an overwhelming desire to do our own thing. nothing to do with salmond, it,s been brewing for a long while; compounded by constant reports of westmonster antics. if the promises aren't kept that's when the real trouble will start. i am not some fanatical freedom fighter, people that know me will confirm i am not a gambler or fighting man, i am a small business owner with a wife and kids with everything to lose but i will protest if that is all that is left to me. personally i would rather just be out on my bike like most on here and not stirring up shite, but enough is enough, if your happy with your lot and dont give a shit for whats going on around you fair do's. if you genuinely want Westminster to change there direction stop slagging off the scots and start slagging of your politicians. @Gimlet ukip does look appealing, but david coulbern has deffo blown it for me. why did the BBC invite him in with such low support for them during a referendum count? stir up crap me thinks, score some viewing point's possibly? possibly the longest post i have ever done but dont intend to rise to the bait again, @andyb why are you so hell bent on maintaining the stereotypical copper approach? don't answer that, i aint interested.:smile:
and we should believe someone thats hell bent on maintaining the stereo typical used car salesman approach....dont answer that, I've not been interested since this shoit began...
bollox i need to respond.:smile:. i am not a second hand car salesman my reputation is to important to me.:Finger::smile:
got me there dude.. i am a sales man of sorts. my job is to sell hours in a work shop. if i don't do things properly it costs me directly.
not a competent mechanic yourself then............... those that can do, those that cant ............er, sell time.....
Strangely enough I knew you knew that. Yet you were interested enough to start this thread. And leaving out the deliberate provocation it is a very good question.
gawd here i go again. not for you but for my customers. 47 been in workshops since i was eight, passed apprenticeship with distinction, working carrier includes 5years as a German car specialist, a year with ford, a year with Renault. spent 3years turning a run down hostel ready for bankruptcy in to a business that sold for 700k while working and becoming a fiat dealer expert technician (D.E.T. cant go any higher unless you work for the factory.) started a workshop for somebody else turned it in to a thriving business, got shafted by the owner when i went looking for the bonus i was promised, ended up in court over it, i won used the compo to start my own business now doing not to bad actually. bit tired but with the right investment and support i recon i could open a chain. Fin's place oban check us out, gonna be the most successful work shop for customer care in argyll.
sorted for you and backed by westmister i hear....... as an aside..........relax mate, it isn't personal just the inter web crap thing going on, just poke it with something else to poke it with.....:Angelic::Bawling:
You were German for 5 years, you shouldn't have even had the right to vote!!! Is the M even for Mc or Mac! Just realised you are called Fin M - thought it was short finumanum or something