Branding and the Ducati "lifestyle"?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by El Toro, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. I just like the bikes, thats it. But every Xmas I end up with a Ducati Hat or scalf I never wear them. although I have found my Corse umbrella handy this summer!
  2. I'm interested in finding out what you ride and why only a Ducati can fit the bill
  3. Whats the 1st thing you think when you see someone wearing a Ferrari Jacket?
  4. Who's nicked his car? Or his heater is fooked!
    #24 XxAnthxX, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  5. Bet he drives a beige metro is what I'd think :)
  6. Cock!
  7. But it'd be a clean one with full service history and only one owner.

  8. Exactly, even if he owns a Fezzer or not.
  9. He ain't got one ?
  10. I have Ducati branded tee shirts and some Ducati Puma trainers, also I collect the yearbooks. So I guess I'm sort of into the lifestyle bit, although I wouldn't buy aftershave or wine or a lot of the tat that they're selling now. The clothing I buy, I buy 'cos I like it, not just 'cos it's got Ducati written on it (last tees I bought were out of date clearance jobbies @£10 a pop, but again only ones I liked the design of). Leathers etc are not Ducati. I wouldn't have a Ducati tattoo. I do have a Ducati jacket which was bought for me as a pressie and I do wear it, couldn't really give an arse what people think, 'cos I know I own a Ducati.
  11. I have a couple of knock off T shirts from eblag and a genuine Puma / Ducati one from TK Max.... Sort a bloke I am...:biggrin:
  12. [​IMG]
    did someone mention ferrari cockheads? spotted outside my fathers house and the owner visable returning to the vehicle/thing caught me taking photo anp was visably even had ferrari stickers on the sides and ferrari in the wheel rim centers.what a hero.
    #32 idrinkbeer, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
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  13. not sure what brand this was ment to be but it bears the legend FEAR THE DEER.i hope you get as much pleasure from these pics as i had pissing myself taking them.[​IMG]

    #33 idrinkbeer, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2012
  14. I fell in love with Ducati as a schoolboy in the 1970 s looking at the bevel ads in bike magazine. Once i was old enough i tried lots of bikes and still do but i have never ridden another make that fits me as well or makes me smile so much. Couldn't give a stuff about branded clothes or keyrings etc and was disappointed to see things like the Ducati cafe in Dubai. Ffs, what's that all about! As long as they make bikes I like that's fine but I what sort of person buys something for the label and walks buy something better for him/her cos it has the wrong name?
  15. Looks like he's an ex-tractor fan :wink:
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  16. tavullias finest taxi,and a very very handsome chap posing with it.
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  17. Duke, I love the ST3, never ridden anything as comfortable, just seems to fit me perfectly (I'm 5'11 and 13stone), just wish I'd got one earlier. I've put on another post that mine seems to have a problem at town speeds and therefore low revs, it stutters and hunts as though the injectors aren't quite in sync. Have put a note in hoping someone can help, but that is the only issue I have with her. The missus has just suggested I try the super unleaded next fill up so might try that, but I just love riding it. I assume you teach DAS or something? If you do then I reckon it would be a superb bike to be on all day. So far I've only done 1 longish trip on mine and that was the day I rode it home from Oxford, 150 ish miles, 2 stops, 1 for fuel the other for a smoke and got off at home and told the missus that I could do it again, after a fag and coffee and for me, with a bad back that said it all!
  18. Steve, the tattoo thing is something personal, I fully appreciate that not everyone likes tattoos and that's fine, I currently have 3 but when I have a t shirt on you can't see any of them. All mine have a significance to me, I couldn't walk into a tattoo parlour and just pick a design that everyone could have. I even designed one myself, which has deep meaning for me but unless you saw it and heard the tale behind it you wouldn't know. I'm 50 now and only got my first one 3 years ago because it felt the right time for me.
  19. I bought my bike because it was my dream bike aesthetically and knew it would sound well. I got free Ducati branded leathers, lid, boots and gloves with it but they went on eBay. I dislike the whole Alan Partridge thing. I get the impression that people in full branded gear on a bike would be a chronic bore to talk to. This clearly is casting a very broad net over people who probably don't deserve to be tarred with that particular brush (so take that as an apology in advance :p). I did however buy a 'Ducati' branded leather jacket but it's subtle and tasteful in my opinion.
  20. Yeah arch I'm DAS qualled mate but fuck all work ... I wanna set up on my own anyone got 20grand
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