What Didn't The Scottish Like......

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. @andib i know that. this referendum thing wasn't easy, i don't believe i was the only one having sleepless nights over it, i don't believe i was the only one close to tears for the following 24hrs.
    what actually made it possible and quite easy to start business up here especially if you need premises are the polices introduced by the snp, obviously using a budget set out by the rest of the uk.
  2. You need to get in touch with your femine side Andy, I feel sure it is in there somewhere ;)
  3. Finm, it was the Jock MP's and the Jocks Cameron Brown and Darling who have been ballsing up England for decades who were terrified that Scotland would leave the Union.Now you lot have been promised the earth to remain as part of the UK when in reality few of you have any stomach for it.The subsidies paid to Edinburgh should by rights be withdrawn and the nations of the UK should be treated equally and the Scottish Mafia in Westminster put in their place.
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  4. i think you'll find its my feminine side and ill touch it as much as i want....
  5. As above Finm, I think you may be identifying "us" the English with the Westminster political establishment. We weren't asked our opinion but had we been its a fair bet that a majority of English people would have supported Scottish secession and not to "get rid" of Scotland but because it is self-evidently the best way forward for our group of nations. I was certainly a YES supporter and for positive reasons. We don't want your oil, we don't crave your company in the Union unless you are with us willingly. It is politicians who want you, your votes and your Scottish MPs to maintain the cosy order they have established at Westminster. Trust me, millions of us in the rest of the UK are as heartily sick of that as you are. If I could have voted YES with you I'd have done so. But I couldn't.
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  6. i do appreciate what you say gimlet and enjoy talking about it with you, johnv and others.
    you must believe me but i don't think we need the oil to make it affordable, when the oil runs out it will run out for every one in the uk, how will the rest of the uk survive then if that's the only thing going for us.
    do i relay need two ducati's for a start.
  7. I disagree, the UK is greater than the sum of it's parts but it does need reform and a move away from the focus on the financial wellbeing of the South East of England.
  8. I heard an interview with salmond just before the vote on R4 and I have to say I was amazed with my response to him. Previously I had felt that I didn't want the break up of the union and that salmond was a self gratifying glory seeking stereo typical oily politician.
    That interview changed my mind and I started to understand really understand what it is that is so aborohent with the present system of govt.
    If I had of had a vote would have been swayed by his lucid well structured and reasoned argument.
    What has been left is that a grenade has been thrown into the political establishment and I hope that it leads to radical changes not just in Scotland but nationwide .
    I have always voted labour but the way they along with the others behaved unlikely to happen again.
    However that doesn't leave me open for 'grooming' by UKIP .
    I guess I'm as disillusioned with politics and our political 'masters' as I have ever been.
    I don't want style nor smarm or PR I want integrity, passion and honesty.
    I heard an interview with another SNP mp ( can't recall his name) he was asked by jim naughtie a direct question and he gave a direct response and naughtie burst out laughing thanking him for his direct uncomplicated response and commented how unlike mp's his response was.
    That's what I'm talking about.
  9. do you think there is room and appetite for a tell it like it is party? i am finished with labour and liberels,
  10. So you haven't given up on the Conservatives yet ? Good man !
  11. Of course you need two Ducatis. Lets have none of that defeatist talk.
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  12. at johnv. never!NEVER!NEVER! never.:smile:
  13. There is a small part of me that regrets the failure of the Yes campaign as it would have forced a radical rethink at Westminster, something it desperately needs, but we are better together and the UK is greater than the sum of it's parts.
  14. Never give up on them , now you'r talking.
  15. i would give them both for another go without media attention.
  16. I don't disagree that we work best as a United Kingdom however if you aren't being listened to, if you believe that the self serving political elite do not care about you or are even prepared to listen, then perhaps a radical solution is needed.
    There is so much wrong with the current system and I feel quite a bit wrong with the social fabric of society that change is needed.
    We as a nation have lost our way, this is the country that invented the public health system, that gave education to all that led the world in social reforms and now look at us.
    We gave equality to all after so many had been sacrificed in 2 world wars.
    We have haves and have nots, we have food banks for fucks sake, kids go to school hungry, big business rapes society, PFI's, house prices, trident, etc etc it has to stop it has to change.
    If the referendum helps force that change then good.
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  17. it's your turn at the next election. make it count.
  18. And if you have 2 you now need 3!
  19. Jock MP's?

    What's been promised?

    How is it the earth?

    What do you mean by "few of you have any stomach for it?"

    What subsidies?

    What rights?

    What Scottish mafia in Westminster?

    What place ?
  20. How?
    Labour thinks its still 1945, they are irredeemably committed to the same economic policies which bankrupted the country the last time they got to play with the levers of state, they won't talk about Europe at all, they are desperate to keep Scottish votes I mean Scotland in the Union and they are implacably opposed to federalism or an English Parliament because they would not be able to engineer a perpetual majority in one.

    Half the Tories think its still 1984 except the Blairite (or Blair-lite) Cameroons whose only policy is to have no policies as they lurch to the centre. They are committed to the same economic illiteracy espoused by Gordon Brown because balancing the books and living within your means is just soo Thatcherite. They are committed to the Union because of quivering lip Queen and country stuff and beyond that they haven't really thought about it, and they won't talk about Europe except to promise the possibility of a referendum, maybe, when the planetary alignment is propitious and after they have re-written all the rules which as the entire EU governing class have tried patiently to tell them in words of one syllable, they can't..

    The LibDems - if they still exist, no-one knows - think its still 1978 and Government is essentially just a form of paid student Union activism.

    UKIP are the only party talking seriously about federalism and an English Parliament and they will try force an EU referendum but they are unlikely to win it unless they learn from Mr Salmond's mistake and provide the detailed policy red meat which must go with it, and in any case they don't want to become part of the Westminster establishment and their aim is not to form a Government.

    Or we can vote Green who think its 2000 BC and that the answer to all the world's problems is to live in a socialist commune, grow wind turbines, wear straw hats and dungarees and call your children Sky and Crystal. Oh and hope some unspecified persons will come along and pay for it all.

    Its a tricky one..
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