For three weeks every year, parliament goes into hibernation whilst the major parties take turns at holding conferences. For some reason, they use different locations but don't seem to want to hold these junkets during the same week (although the Lib Dems are going to hold theirs in Glasgow - God help them) Great work if you can get it
a bit like that nato summit in much did that cost?? Why didn't they hold it somewhere like Lakenheath........instant security.....saved use the public thousands....
Party conferences used to be held in seaside resorts like Blackpool and Brighton. Nowadays non-resort cities like Manchester have enough conference venues and hotels, so that's where they go. Each party wants the chance to monopolise the headlines and the TV news for a few days, so they couldn't hold them all simultaneously could they?
Plenty of news/tv channels and newspapers to go round a few parties at the same time you would have thought.