im sorted now,ive escaped the tech revolution and just have stuff i need,that works. and life is no different really ,i still function in this modern world,theres nothing i cant interact with. only tech i have now is my home pc,which i built myself from bits,again works well and didnt cost a fortune. buying cheap works if you realise you dont "need" software based stuff,i bought a phone to use as a phone...nothing else needed in a comunication device. being on the web isnt a requirement of life,if you let it be so then you have allowed yourself to become a slave. having extreme tinnitus having a tech hifi is wasted on me,i have to use headphones for everything now and the telly/monitor runs through a 20yr old jvc ghetto blaster headphones connected to that. sod the tech stuff,spend money on bikes,drugs and hookers,keeps life simple and fun.
I use a 3GS as a work phone and I get the odd IOS upgrade every once in a while. It works fine for me and is not compatible with the newer IOS' anyway. Beyond a certain point you can happily continue to use the phone and not have to worry about any upgrades slowing it down etc., the down side is that newer apps won't work with some older IOS'. I will continue to use mine until I can replace it with my personal phone when I swap around on an upgrade when my contract comes up for renewal. So for me it is possible to keep things ticking over as the years go by, my 3GS must be well over 4 plus years old now.
I kicked off the install on my iPAD this morning but it failed to complete due to an install error. I will leave it for a few days then try again. Our broadband is rubbish and I guess a Monday morning is going to be a peak time.
Ive just checked and I need 4Gb to upload the new stuff onto my iPhone 5. I have just 1 Gb. So are they saying then that I must never use more than 12 Gb of the 16 I'm supplied with (and paid for)? Surely then it's only a 12Gb machine, rather than the advertised 16 as I can't use the last 25%?
I have 64Gb and I struggle. Ive nearly 200G of music and I have to use the 128kb/s option to get as much on as i want. The new iPhone6 Plus looks good for me. 128Gb and a bigger screen for my worsening eyeballs. Never update direct to phone. Always download update via itunes on the pc or mac you use to sync. Then update. (after a quick back up sysnc)
You only get a nominal 16 Gb. Once the drive is formatted and is holding the OS, you won't have 16 Go of free space. Actually, you have now discovered that you shouldn't have bought the 16 Gb option. I try to tell people this, but will they listen?
thanks @gliddofglood , It never occurred to me my '4' would now be considered unworthy of Apples ongoing support and upgrades. hence i presumed it would be included. It does not feel that old to me, but i guess it must be at least 3 or 4 years old.... Im not one for latest, best, shiniest just for the sake of it ( and i am not made of money, albeit i do like to buy nice things that last - i pay for quality) so it will trundle on for some years yet. I don't feel the need to upgrade to Apples latest, just to save 60/100ths of a second delay on opening a safari page or whatever. Much as i like having new toys. Fingerprint technology on my phone? I'll keep my hands away from that for while yet. My '4' is only my third ever mobile phone...... ( and I've still got the first two, they still work!)
Haven't bought a phone for 3 or 4 years? What? Apple require you to buy a new phone immediately! At once! This way they will be able to bank billions in accounts in Ireland. You never know when they might come in handy. I can get a shop discount on an iPhone, but our margins are so poxy, it really doesn't make any difference. And the phone company won't give me a great deal as my phone bills just aren't big enough.
I am a mean bastard, when i want to be, with my money. Equally i can be generous. I choose. My car is just trundling through 174000 miles - smooth straight six engine, still effortless. The car industry would not retire on my vehicle spending!
I am the same. For the last few years, I have been in zero spend mode. I don't really mind much. I find I have pretty much all the things I need and by far the majority of those I want. This might sound a bit sickly, but frankly, I get the most fun out of the garden, the view, the peace and quiet, the space, the starry sky and the countryside around me. Having another couple of horsepower or a bit of carbon, or a faster phone really don't compare.
it does explain it. Your 4 would have been fine before you installed that (I know - I did the same). See above - I don't think you can update anyway. Your phone is now too poxy for the all-singing, all-dancing iOS8.
thats two references you've made in threads ( cricket bat/your arse etc) to your nether regions - bordering on an unhealthy obsession. Put them away please, its not a full moon. and NO, no pics, we don't want to know that it did happen!
The only circumstances which might force a change is the increasingly ineffective 'home' button, which becomes more 'sticky' and unusable as time goes by.. Is there an effective fix for that? ( apart from a new phone....)?
You should be able to add a home button to your screen (can be done on iPad). It's in settings / general / accessibility and assistive touch (I think)