Hi all. Probably a silly question, but I'm hoping someone can confirm if it matters which way round the gasket fits when refitting a manifold. One side is smooth, the other has a ridge round it. The "thing" that was probably once a gasket that I eventually removed from the engine exhaust outlet was too far gone to see the ridge. I just wondered if it goes a specific way round to give a proper seal?? It's on a carb'd 750ss if that makes any difference..
I have got around the dimple dilemma by using one of the the following options. I will say that that before using any of them they are undertaken at your own risk. The first is to get hold of a metal meat tenderising hammer and a 3 ton hydraulic press; simply place the gasket plain side up, with the tenderiser on top and compress the gasket to achieve pleasing dimples. I have found that after using this method I've had to stack about 5 or 6 gaskets together to make them add up to the original thickness as they tend to squash under pressure, but on the plus side the gaskets are dimpled on both sides. The second method involves a rounded centre punch and 2 LB club hammer. What I've done is punch in dimples into the barrels so that the dimple side of the gasket faces inwards towards it's new mating face, and the plain side faces the unpunched exhaust. I would estimate that unless you are very lucky you might only destroy 3 or 4 barrels, but the satisfaction of having dimpled mating faces is immeasurable. Of course there is always the third option which is fit them any old way, but doing that would deny you valuable play time with your tool kit. Any complaints should be directed to www.irealyknowsodallaboutbikeengines.com