Abusive Phone Call

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. working today when I received a call from mobile 0770961948 trying to sign me up for-* advertising, when I replied I don't advertise and operate word of mouth the caller became very angry and started to call me a fecking cant etc etc before hanging up....the idiot didn't realise his number was on my phone.....check them on google.....anyhows what to do????
  2. Parisians, all the same. Was it a Foxy French Female, if so call her back, get her to swear again and have a wank ;)
    If it was a bloke, fuck knows, wait for other suggestions...
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  3. Suggest we all start calling and leading him on....
  4. I couldn sanction this highly nasty suggestion...........;)
  5. I must say it was quite bizzare...he rang and said he viewed my work on the internet ( a lie ) and was so impressed that he would like me to advertise on some site,i told him I work in a family business and our advertising is by word of mouth, he said I need to advertise , when I told him we are over one hundred years in business and don't advertise he called me a c*nt ,a fecker, a fecking c*unt fecker etc and hung up...lol....he left his number.....not sure what crime is commited and if the police would be interested ,I tried to report to o2 but gave up amid their web site...grr.
  6. I work shifts, maybe I'll try him in the early hours and see if he wants my business ;-)
    • Like Like x 2
  7. If your worried, report it.

    Thank goodness I changed my sim.........:Cigar:

    Want me to call them? I sell dog shit :Bucktooth:
  8. Phone him back and offer him advertising
  9. This is the best option.
  10. Personally I would just block the call and move on. I have a blocked call list accessible on my phone and if someone calls me and they are blocked they don't get through.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. And the fun in that is?
  12. [QUOTE="not sure what crime is commited and if the police would be interested ,I tried to report to o2 but gave up amid their web site...grr.[/QUOTE]

    I think you'd have to phone him back and record the conversation, perhaps more than once. And then I rather doubt that the police would be interested, although if you said that you in some way felt the victim of a "Hate crime" - who knows.?
  13. Use the Truecaller app. Makes life easier.
  14. I would either
    1. Forget about it. Life is too short. Let's face it, you were more surprised than shocked or worried.
    2. If you know what company he is from, ring them up and complain about him. Then he'll lose his job. But I can't help feeling that maybe he wants to lose his job - perhaps he is setting out to get himself sacked (and who could blame him).
    3. Alternatively, you could ring him up and have a Derek and Clive sort of conversation with him:
    "You called me a fucking cunt? You called me a fucking cunt? Well you fucking, fucking cunt!"
    • Funny Funny x 4
  15. What you could do is leave El Tel a reply on this very forum.;)
  16. Simple.... If you are awake at about 3am. give them a call adding 141 in front of the number. After a few weeks of that you will feel better.
    As the saying goes..'Don't get mad... get even'.
  17. let it go and enjoy the rest of the decade.......
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  18. Careful, if you ring back you may get connected to a premium rate number. :$
  19. Haha that's brilliant :D I love it when people get so wound up that they have to resort to cunting you off. Specially if it is over nothing. That would amuse me for the rest of the day a phonecall like that!
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  20. Being self employed I get a lot of phone calls asking for 'The Financial Director'

    Me.. 'He's not here at the moment'.

    Them... 'When will he be back?'

    Me... 'in about 18 months if he behaves himself'

    End of conversation.
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