BBC News - Abu Qatada cleared of terror charges Interesting story. It would be interesting to see if a) he wants to return to the UK and b) if the government allows him back. As he's innocent, he should be allow back in? Right? Discuss.....
He is a radical Muslim Cleric, he considers it his job to convince week minded individuals to do the shooting,stabbing and bombing for him. I would only let him back to drop him down a deep,dark hole and fill it in.
I don't think that any country has an obligation to allow anyone on their territory. They can make it up as they go along. Try getting into the US with a drugs record, or as a known jihadi sympathiser and I suspect you'll be refused entry. Why should the UK be any different? Not sure about EU nationals - are there any grounds for their refusal or is the EU "just one big country" and you can no more refuse a Bulgarian entry, whatever he has done, than prevent someone with a criminal record travelling from Sussex to Surrey? I don't think we are under any obligation to accept Jordanians.
I just thought it was interesting, especially after the 8yrs of trying to deport him. I know the government is saying he wont be allowed back, but does he still have family here in the UK? I heard rumours he may be able to sue UK Inc
With the amount of IS floating about in that region, maybe Jordan didn't want to antagonise them. Being guilty or not guilty of something often has nothing much to do with the objective facts and more to do with what sort of verdict power wants, viz the Russian show trials.
And / or OJ Simpson - a man who literally got away with murder, purely because a guilty verdict would have caused race riots in several US cities...
How many different colours of jihadist are there? I'd be surprised if AQ wasn't an IS sympathiser - now that there is an IS to sympathise with. But I don't read his stuff so what do I know?
I'm sure that he and his extend family have a nice detached house waiting for them courtesy of the British taxpayer,and no doubt time to get some hospital and dentist appointments in too for everyone. And then Jobseeker's Allowance , and a myriad of other benefits are ready to be unleashed on them. Let's get the ballons out for a nice welcome shall we!!!
Very much doubt he'll be back. What is interesting is that did he not fight extradition because he wouldn't get a fair trial in Jordan? Well, it looks as if he got one, so it was all bullshit from the off.
who really cares what his status is as long as he is not in this country and remains elsewhere in the world for other people to sort out
If he still has family in this country,they will be missing him by now and will all sod off to Jordan to be re-united.
My understanding is that under human rights act,he could not be deported back to his country of origin due to persecution and fair trial reasons.Now that he has been found "not guilty",that defence no longer stands and we dont have to accept him back.I feel sure that Pete 1950 will soon clarify.