A while ago an annoying little scroll icon thingy started appearing when using my swipe pad on the lap top. it makes moving the mouse on the screen impossible at times as it scrolls when you I don't want to. How do I turn this annoying little bugger off? Clear and concise instructions will be required I'm afraid if anyone knows Ta in advance...
are you swiping down the right hand edge of the swipe pad- that sometimes triggers it. have you used a mouse recently? sometimes pressing the central ' scroll' button has the effect you have described. falling that, get your arse cheeks off the keyboard and use your fingers instead!
Not used a mouse for a while - just done a trial - I was swiping down the right side and if I don't it's fine. I will lean to the left a bit thanks!
sometimes its a feature of your computer. If you go into your computer 'help' function, it may be you a beginners/advanced guide/ on screen demo as to using the various areas of the scroll pad. Could be quite enlightening/useful for you.