after months firmly off it (a year really) exercise at least 4 days a week, healthy balanced diet, no alcohol during the week, early to bed starting the pre-season fitness regime a bit early feck its going to be a boring 3 months
That all sounds pretty noble. Anything like that must have an objective, and as we all know, objectives have to be SMART. So what is the envisioned weight loss - from ... to? Resting pulse? Blood pressure? (Don't forget you can buy blood pressure monitors for your iPhone).
firstly its nothing to do with weight loss, although that will be a nice side outcome. Its to do with being far fitter again, like I was 2 years ago, which mens racing and the like will be easier and I can 'get on it' for longer my resting HR is sub 60, and I recover OK even in my current state of fitness (well for a bloke of my statue) and I'm aiming at being able to maintain a 90% MHR for an hour...that should do it
But let's face it, a regimen such as you propose will transform fat into muscle. OK, maybe no weight loss, but you'd be able to take the belt in a couple of notches, surely? Good objective though - good on you (although I find this easier to achieve in summer than winter - since I prefer being outside in summer doing stuff. When the weather's pants, the temptation to vegetate is strong).
I gave up drinking about 4 years ago because I got fed up with feeling like shit. Drink always has made me feel like shit but in my young days the pleasure of a good evening in the boozer was worth the pain. When that balance shifted there didn't seem any point. Especially when I gave up smoking. Drinking at home is boring and pubs are crap now. Its all TV screens, kids and bits of watercress all over the floor. I don't miss it. Can't say I've suddenly found myself rolling in money without drinking, but the quality of my toys has certainly gone up a notch.
hit the wagon ten years ago and then stopped smoking two years ago. felt fitter after the stopping smoking and since the drink stoppage i havent been arrested a good result. never noticed any financial gain although the amount of ebay crap in my front room grew dramatically. unfortunately something called middleage spread snuck up on me,unsure when, and as smoking always kept my hunger down i realised i now eat like a horse and look like a fishing float. two weeks ago went to a party,hot balmy evening,sudden very strong hankering for a pint,so had three and discovered what took me thriteen pints to achive i can now do in just three pints.. was quite chuffed. now have opened myself up to the possibility of odd pint now and again and its great. have also figured a way round the "fat bastard" bit and the vague pointless "diets",ive removed all the mirrors that show more than my head. being too oold to care now also for the mens racing,if im not there start without me.:smile: