What Have Today's Kids Missed Out On

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. In light of the best decade post, it got me thinking.
    My lad who is 9 will never know the pleasure of going into a record shop flicking through all the albums and deciding which one to buy or waiting for the latest single getting the bus into town and coming home and listening over and over to the scratchy stylus play the latest tune. Shame
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  2. Playing out all day. Playing Kerby. Walking.
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  3. Why is that though? Statistically far more at risk of harm be it abuse or accident at home than outside.
    My summers were spent at my aunts in Cornwall playing in fields, woods and streams. Halcyon days
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  4. World War... Bombing... Rationing... Diptheria.,.. Polio.... Ricketts... Bruce Forsyth...
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. A simple world and a childhood free of the pressures of marketing.
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  6. Proper Bikes and Proper leaps in performance.
    Tits in bike mag centre spreads.
    Easy access for Driving Licences and proper bikes in you teens.
    The stress free life of no mobile phones.
    Living in the real world and not on Arse Book.
    All day drinking on a Sunday in summer when you have to go to the Park in the sunshine to carry on drinking while the pub shuts in the afternoon.
    Sun in Summer
    Snow every Winter
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  7. White dog shit.
    • Funny Funny x 4
  8. No idea. I was often out all day playing footie and wandering the woods and disused coal mines. I did this from 3yrs old. I'd be up trees and down pits. In abandoned factories and buildings. Just playing. I'd often walk into edinburgh and Ive been all over Roslyn Chapel. Ive floated rafts down the Esk swam and fished it, built camps and had police chases.
    Parents molly coddle their children. They will have no independent spirit. I always walked to school. 3 miles there, 3 miles back. I rode pushbikes everywhere, except school as they were not allowed? I even flew to Hong Kong several times on my own to see my Mum and step dad who was stationed there.
    Ive never been lost. I can find my way anywhere and have the confidence to do so.
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  9. Safety gear on bikes: Trainers, jeans and an un padded leather jacket - although the Americans seem to still have this and more:
  10. Who cares what they missed. I missed out on the Internet, Mobile Phones, Computer Games, Xbox. MP3 players, access to good music and decent motorbikes with good brakes, forks, electric start and reliability.

    You can keep the 'old days'
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  11. They mostly seem to be missing out on being told "no"... Or "you're wrong"... Or "sorry, you're just not good enough"... Or "you're a child, therefore your opinion doesn't actually matter as you have no knowledge or experience to base an opinion on.."
    Of course, that's just my opinion...
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  12. Must admit the grattan catalogue underwear section doesn't really compete with the Internet
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  13. Those things all cost money. Kids whose folks have money get those things, folks who are skint don't.
  14. No speed cameras, although we don't really have them still in North Yorkshire, other than the pesky mobile ones...
  15. Going out to play at the local building site. Sand to play in, wood/bricks for cycle jumps, things to climb on, etc. etc.

    Having seen kids getting dropped off at school, they don't miss out on burgers...... We used to take the mickey out of the fat kid in class, but he could interview for weight Watchers these days!!
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  16. There were no fat kids in my day. Now theres plenty of them. Parents are idiots.
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  17. There was social inequality in the 'old days' too...
  18. Stick and a hoop!
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  19. Cardboard Box? Luxury
    • Funny Funny x 1
  20. You had a hoop? Luxury. All I had was a stick and I had to share that with Faether as he used it to beat me with it. Oh how we dreamed for a hoop...
    • Funny Funny x 1
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