What Have Today's Kids Missed Out On

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. There's an app for that.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. "Where is Jessica Hyde?" ;)
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  3. The fact that kids can't play conkers anymore because of H&S is one of the great urban myths of our time. In fact it's got nothing at all to do with the H&S Executive - the myth appears to have been invented by over-zealous teachers. It was even on the H&S's website as "one of the myths..."
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  4. Oxford abags, oxblood Doc Martens, two stoke oil pumps next to the petrol pumps, Affordable British Belstaff Traimaster jackets. Riding a 250 on L plates, Banana splits on the telly, Maggie Philbin on swap shop, Susan Stranks on Magpie, Suzi Quatro, Debbie Harry, Athena posters.
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  5. Anthena posters......girl scratching her naked arse while playing tennis....the internet makes this all seem so innocent.
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  6. A Redex pump next to the Twostroke pump next the Petrol pump that was operated by the petrol pump attendant....
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  7. As boy I enjoyed the freedom of being out all day with my friend.We could go anywhere and everywhere and come back home dirty and happy at the end of the day.
    As a teenager I could get on a bus from Purley in Surrey and go to the Ice Rink at Streatham in South London,catch the late bus back home-without any fear of being mugged or knifed.I have a feeling I would be frightened to do that trip in daylight now.
    I consider myself fortunate that I had all those opportunities to have fun without having to grow up to quickly.
    I am still waiting to grow up.:)
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  8. A few kids round here do it but Conkers can't compete with an Xbox
  9. Our Oxford Bags were pinstriped, had a cargo Pocket and a wide waistband with 3 or 4 buttons. A 'star' jumper or tanktop went along with it! what a sight we looked.

    Some summer afternoon in the mid 70s at Saltburn.

    #90 Captain Swoop, Sep 26, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Your from Purley Merv. I'm up the road in Caterham. You can still do what you say and you will be unlikely to get mugged. However not sure if the ice rink still exists.

    I still own a pair of Oxford Bags from my Northern Soul days. They are the oldest remnants of clothing I own.
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  11. They pulled the Silver blades down a few years ago now.Caterham and Warlingham were places where I worked and had friends.A scooter club I belonged to met at the village hall on Warlingham Green.Used to go to the pub next to the roundabout in Caterham High St.Caterham By Pass was always good for a blat-especially going up it.
  12. The Surrey Hounds its called. Or the 'Dogs' as I call it as its not a nice place thesedays. The bypass is now too way bumpy but I do enjoy the exit from M25 and left hander onto bypass. Knee down territory. :upyeah:. But in general I slow down for the bypass. Never shit on your own doorstep. ;)
    #93 bootsam, Sep 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2014
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  13. Yep, never really recovered from the shooting...
  14. In the sort of area you describe for your knee down fun I used to go pot holing.there are a whole mass of tunnels under that area.
  15. Tell me more please.
  16. someone told me they get shredded etc and added to the modern version of "erb" so i think they smoke them now
  17. Is there really. Never knew that. I will investigate. Ive done some pot holing in the pennines and wales in my yoof. Not through choice i might add but it was fun nonetheless.
  18. Indeed. But "myth" is an understatement. It is an outright lie, spread by dishonest people who have their own corrupt reasons for trying to discredit H&S.
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  19. Yup, like most 'Health and Safety' and the EU.
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