Bendy Iphone 6

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. She chose it herself. Did a lot of online research and stuff. It's a good phone.
  2. I'm just waiting the few weeks it will take to see how much the 5s will drop in price before upgrading both of our 4s phones, I reckon the 6 will be in reasonable stock within the month then the networks will drop the price of the previous models to around what I pay just now.
  3. People on a Ducati Owners Forum might not want to be the first ones to point the finger at others buying expensively badged items with a higher cost than equivalent products

    Just sayin'
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  4. Of course it would fall out. He's upside down. He is in Australia. Its not rocket science.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. The point of my post is about the hysteria a lot of people have about apple products, i.e queuing 6 days outside a shop just to buy the latest iphone is just stupid! Don't think ive ever seen a similar thing outside a Ducati shop have you?

    Just for the record ive always wanted a Ducati since I was a child and it wasn't until many years later that I was able to afford one. Not quite the same as a mobile phone.

  6. Which you can get by downloading nav free gps. All this is doing is make me not want to upgrade my iphone 4
  7. Mt 4 gets worse by the hour...

  8. That's Friday for you....
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