In Tenerife

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Richard 1200, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. I am in Tenerife at the the moment and the number of mobility scootters is crazy. Yes there are disabled people here but there are the tandem scooters as well as his and hers. These people arrive at bars along the front, park up and walk into the bar like they have no disability at all.
    It makes me so angry.
    #1 Richard 1200, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2014
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  2. Don't assume just because someone can walk a short distance into a bar that they don't need a mobility scooter. There are plenty of reasons why someone might not be able to walk long distances, but still be able to walk a few metres (COPD, arterial disease affecting blood flow to legs, arthritic pain, MS ...)
  3. yeah, wait til they start dancing on the tables
  4. Maybe it's so they can get home after they've been there 14hrs. ;)
  5. Let them live their lives. If they cant/don't want to walk anywhere, that's up to them
  6. Gotta be along Veronicas
  7. Fuck em. Let their tyres down, lazy bastards.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. So I'm sat in the sunshine chilling with an ice cold brew, not having to work, hearing the waves gently lap upon the golden sand and I can see couples walking past hand in hand children laughing as they play. All is cool with the world
    Well apart from these feckin mobility driving selfish wankers making my blood boil. Ruining my holiday.
  9. I once went to Tenerife. Everywhere was Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pud Full English Breakfast and Elvis impersonators. I went to Blackpool as well only difference was the rain in Blackpool
  10. They are on scoots so they don't tread on the 'roaches
  11. But there's more to Tenerife than Playa de las Americas.
  12. Sounds like Florida
  13. I know. I hired a car and trawled around the island and across it. It was still difficult to find anything untouched by the tourist trade. Went up the mount by road and found a little village where a local had turned there house into a tiny Restaurant served local dishes.
    It's not a place I like but it would'nt do for everyone to like the same places. We all want different things from our Hols
  14. Without tourism, the economy of the islands will tank. They're just a collection of pretty barren volcanic islands with pretty decent weather. Never going to be a manufacturing giant
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