Absolutely awesome,that really rocks, I hope AC/DC see it coz it's brilliant , they should have them on tour and these guys do the first half of the song when AC/DC then walk on stage and Carry it on. How the hell did you come across this?
Totally cool, just been given an accordion.. It gives me the fear! Think the spoons are more appealing.
Deffo up for anvil and pein ball hammer! Banjos are cool. There, as a guitar player I've said I'd it!
Banjos are bloody difficult, 3 finger pickin Had it a few years, still cant play it. I should post a video here to show you just how bloody bad
and a slight dampener, if its true. Still, his artistry is evident on the many songs he played on. Malcolm Young Reportedly In Care For Dementia - Music News, Reviews, Interviews and Culture - Music Feeds