Health And Safety Bunch Of Arse Or A Needed Valuable Service Provided By Caring People?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. sorry big m wasnt digging at you,ive only just realised its probably actually currently residing on your laptop..:oops:

  2. Don't worry pal, it washed right over me!:p
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  3. It's stopped natural selection which is always a shame
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  4. Indeed. So much so that in some cases they can barely manage to post messages on forums.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. its that bad now that anyone with a pony tail hair cut, that posts on a forum, has to wear a hair net.............. :Asshat:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  6. Nah you can't judge someone's IQ by the crap they post on Forums
  7. A friend at work says the Health and Safety is like the lottery for stupid people .
    ..they hurt themselves ...
    They win $£€$£€ ching.
    Our HS guy said our welder had to have new welding helmet with filtered air supply £1000, he already has bench air extraction and does not weld contaminated metal in fact he said he does not need the helmet but because H and S say it has to be done . Welder also smokes roll ups .
  8. Health and Safety is a load of bollocks.

    People will continue to kill themselves at work no matter how much H&S is in place, that's the nature of humanity, some got common sense, some ain't. All H&S does is stop those of us with the ability to work without dying from actually doing the bloody job.

    I want to get into H&S myself - it's a growth industry for sure.
  9. Employers have a duty of care to their employees and any worker has a duty of care to those around them. A basic risk assessment, call it experience if you like, should be performed before any job.

    Accidents don't just happen.
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  10. The mistake that the H&S proponents make is to assume that as all accidents could have been avoided that they can avoid all accidents. What we can do however is to make them less likely by taking some fairly simple measures.
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  11. True, but the majority of accidents happen through the sheer stupidity of the individual involved and no matter how much H&S implementation will stop someone from hitting themselves over their head with a hammer if they want to.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. That takes us on to the next bandwagon; Competency.
  13. A docile, safe, stupid workforce is a productive workforce. Stupidity can be taught. Discuss.
  14. Stupidity and safety are mutually exclusive.

    People will endure a great deal if their survival depends upon it but if you want high quality work from someone they need to feel valued and contented.
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  15. In my experience that has always been in evidence, and has not changed since the advent of H&S. One area where I'd say there has been an improvement is accidents caused by falling from height; on sites these days workmen seem to take far more care in checking the placement of ladders and steps, and in checking over scaffolding and platforms. But in all other areas I've seen H&S make the job harder for no improvement in safety.
  16. My take on most BUT NOT ALL was
    A) There to protect the company from litigation
    B) If you need the most basic lessons in safety briefings, which you always got with the bigger multinationals when going on there sites, the you shouldn't fuckin be there.

    A lot of the stuff is necessary & useful though, eg: what all the alarms do, what to do in the event of various incidents, accidents etc:

    It can be soooo stupid. I remember quite a while back at a big refinery near the New Forest.

    Come onto site in vehicle, radio on R4, quietly. Wind down the window and get screamed at for having the radio on, then get told rudely to get my headlights on (its 9:00 AM on a beautiful summers day).

    On site at all times

    Nomex overalls with reflective banding
    Hi Viz Jacket
    Ear Defenders
    Eye Protection
    Hard Hat
    Safety boots

    Might sound fine but try working in a cramped turbine compartment in excess of 40 C with that lot on. I could not see for the sweat and the glasses simply made it a lot worse then I bump into summit and the company guy says see that would have really hurt had you not been wearing a hard hat....................pleez.

    The kicker was with all this gear I could hardly see or move as they are so concerned for me. Then I slide about 20 ft (and nearly off the walkway, which would have really hurt) as the whole compartment is swimming in lube oil coz the lazy bar stewards cannot be bothered to get it cleaned up.

    Just one of many examples. I always liked it best in Italy where a far more relaxed but common sense approach was employed, or maybe it was just because it was Italy......need to think about that some more
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Theres nothing wrong with H&S per se. Its just the way its implemented. Unfortunately it attracts the same 'type' of person as traffic wardens. Or wannabe policemen. The type that get a hard on telling people what to do. Jobsworth types. Common sense never enters into it.
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  18. Corporate manslaughter really changed things. High level management, Directors etc, are targets for the HSE. Management are continually protecting their ass.

    In the real world, no one wants to look a family in the eye and say the accident or worse, could have been prevented by say a simple procedure or wearing a hat.

    People take stupid risks, usually unknowingly.

    I deal with RAMS everyday and still see what's written not being put into practice. H+S is not just paperwork.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. this thread has gone back to original base of h+s,the start of which came from the absolute need for reforms and rules to force previously uncaring management of businesses into taking responsibilites.

    everyone here has expressed that that was needed and indeed is being fulfilled pretty much over the whole map.

    the main topic however is that of needless interference by the present hse nobs wandering around desperately making stuff up in order to maintain their position in life.

    two seperate issues,one already agreed on and the other constantly glossed over by referrals to the first.

    wool over eyes no longer works im afraid,no doubt therell be a rule for that,and the issue of pointless h+s still needs to be addressed.

    the thing with educating people and getting them involved is that they quickly see the various holes in ones argument and seek to improve upon what they already know.

    right time for a full english, tata
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  20. The amount of bodging that goes on on building sites has risen dramatically since the advent of H&S. 'Get the job done, then cover it up', is the modern mentality. As long as it's superficially sound it must be fine.

    Stick your head above a new suspended ceiling and it's like an Indiana Jones theme park - lift a tile and half a ton of brick rubble, wiring sheath and old wank mags will rain down upon you. Actually put your headthrough the hole and you'll be greeted by a corridor of fish hooks - you push your way up through the ceiling grid...and the previous ceiling grid...and the ceiling grid before that - all still in place cos the budget's tight, same as it was last time - and every single wire that hold the new and old ceilings up will stab the shit out of you.

    But it doesn't matter cos the H&S nazi can't climb steps...
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