
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Out of interest, how miles have you done on your bike this year?

    I've done 1500 so just wondered if that's around the norm.

    I see someone done 4000 in one holiday trip.
  2. 3k I think on my hyper.... It's amazing how mileage drops the prices of bikes.... I think the most people think they will blow up over Australian lad on did 100k on his hyper... Apparently the clock stops then...
  3. don't think I have done 1000 this year and when you consider I did 700 miles to the MGP it is a bit of a piss poor show really.
  4. Since March I've done 2000 on my Speed Triple, sold that to get the Streetfighter and so far I've done just shy of 2000 on that.
    I don't care about the mileage or depreciation. I bought my bikes to ride, not to sell on and the Streetfighter is a keeper. I can't imagine getting rid of it. You're a long time dead so get out there and burn some fossil fuel before it runs out, because they're never going to make an electric bike sound like a Testastretta with open Termis.
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  5. Probably four thousand, maybe more...that on three bikes though!!!
  6. Around 8000, mainly at the weekends. 99% leisure riding, not commuting and sadly no euro trips.
    On my trusted 2010 Mts1200 S, WHICH has gained in value as I've shaken all the faults out of it.
    For sale soon.
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  7. 0 :( same as last year. On a brighter note, 2015 will be much better
  8. My mileage falls each year. I used to average around 7,000 a year during my first few years of riding, all social and that excludes track time. I am now down to around 900 and one track day for 2014 to date. Most disappointing. My total on the current bike is 3,800 since Aug 2012
  9. Despite a cracking summer I've had my worst year ever for riding; I bet I've not done a thousand miles so far. That's due entirely to work, or the lack of. That'll change next month, and I'll be out on the old Guzzi every weekend come rain or shine.
  10. So far this year I've done just under 1400 miles on my old 848 EC, about 2550 on the 899, and I've done about 1000 miles on various other bikes I've ridden this year :)
  11. Your starting a new job soon? Things looking up. May be mixing you up with someone else.
  12. I've sat on mine in the garage quite a lot over the last six weeks, does that count.
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  13. I think as someone said, some do intentionally keep the mileage low because of the effects on depreciation on the second hand value.
    Are most bikes, if maintaned , capable of a reliable life of 100k? I doubt it.
  14. Do you mean you've done a 1000 miles on various demo bikes you've borrowed? You may be on to something here. Pile the miles on someone else's bikes!. :Smuggrin:
  15. No, you're right. I've either been flat out at work, or sat at home worrying. Money's been non-existant in either case, so the bikes have barely broken cover, and I had to sell the Blackbird to pay the bills, which
    wasn't nice cos I loved it.
    People who store bikes are wankers. That's the end of it. The only reason is financial gain, and that's not the reason to own a bike at all. If you want financial gain, buy a fucking Bugatti, and leave the bikes to those of us who will actually use them...eventually.
  16. About 5, done 17 k since April 2012 - done less this year due to no need to commute to Wantz's !
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  17. I just like the fact that some of the people that said it's sad some of my collection don't get used and have zero miles have actually done a lot less miles than me this year - that's opinions for you :Happy:
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  18. A Bugatti, they are full of s
    My old lawnmower will be worth something, I use it, does its job, now got character.
  19. That wasn't an opinion, I am a wanker :Happy:
  20. Would you ya be with an opinion?
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