The Nhs And Stupid Parents

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by comfysofa, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. and when your child, particularly, seems ill or in distress, common sense often disappears

    the ones you want to complain about are the pissheads who get so drunk and fall over then try and fight the nurses, not the concerned families who, in the main, also pay taxes into NHS
  2. I started to loose my rag when my son was unconscious in an emergency room with children playing around him. That was after 4 days. Yes piss heads and the like but I didn't see that as I was in the children's A&E. I'm not saying they shouldn't take their kids for medical checks. Far from it. I'm saying take them to the appropriate place.
  3. And by that are you saying that no matter what they should take their kids to A&E..... For anything.
  4. nope, but I am saying decisions process when little johnny or mildred is unwell are not as easy as they may be otherwise, and who in their right mind would choose to sit in A&E for hours and hours when they could get it done quicker somewhere else?!
  5. Yes. All I've said from the start is I think with a bit of common sense a better decision can be made.... I'm not the doc here but the nurse treating my son said herself.... And I quote.... "they treat it like a regular waiting room" that's her, a nurse, who works there, saying and confirming what I'm saying.
  6. The thing is comfysofa, that you're assuming everyone knows as much as you do. I do not even know if we have a walk in centre (assuming it's different to a GPs?) around here, let alone when they'd be open - don't actually know what one is. I couldn't even tell you my own doctors name or surgery address, if it is the same as a GPs. If I have an emergency I go to A&E, simple as that, which I can find as it's in a bloody great hospital with lots of signs pointing at it. That doesn't mean that what I think is an emergency would be what you think is an emergency though. They have triage nurses to sort this out. The fact that there's two different places sounds a nonsense to me, but if there is then surely the triage nurse should redirect those that should be at the "walk in centre"?

    The more I think about it the more I think that anyone who is worried enough to go to A&E should be seen. Better to see them all rather than miss one person who needs to be seen. The real issue seems to be that priority wasn't given where it needed to be in your case.
  7. Yes, thanks.... We have walk in centres all over Bristol.... There are 2 close to us.... I think the way it is, is.... Doctors appointment, or walk in center or A&E....

    I'm kinda only relaying to all of you what I saw and what in turn was confirmed by the nurse on duty, nothing more. It was just infuriating... Other cities may not have them... I assumed they did... If yours has nothing apart from the hospital then, yes, go there...
  8. Are Vets qualified to operate on humans?
  9. Yeah... They should sub contract to pissheads and drug users...!
  10. Yeah pissheads walk on all fours after 12
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. I'm half an hour early
  12. Trouble with A&E is that it's called A&E... we should have an E, and a separate A.

    simple triage process the way to go....
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. That sort of premium is fairly standard. You wouldn't get it much cheaper. Poor people? They just have to pay up - it's essentially what you always pay first - that and the rent. If people were so poor they couldn't pay they'd be on some species of benefits - there definitely is one to help paying health insurance.

    You can't really exceed your level of cover as they check first what it is. Basic cover is if hospitalised you're in a public ward. Semi private gets you a shared room if hospitalised and access to private clinics rather than the local hospitals if you prefer. Private gets you your own room and total freedom concerning where you get treatment. There are probably other differences (bound to be - it's all so bloody complicated).

    I was happy to be able to use a clinic for my knee op as I the bloke operating was a top knee specialist. The bloke I would otherwise have seen was a Serb, quickly dubbed The Butcher of Belgrade who wanted to cut my leg in half, though to be fair part of the op was to involve putting the two halves back together again.
  14. NHS wont exist in its current format in 10 years time. Its already financially bust and throwing more money at it will just make the problem worse.
  15. You have described differences in the standard of accommodation and access to specialists.

    What about the extent of the medical treatment. Are people left to die if their cover doesn't match the level of medical treatment required ?
  16. The NHS, that great sacred cow of the left, is no longer fit for purpose. It is run for the benefit of itself.

    This doesn't mean that good work isn't done but it desperately needs to improve.
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  17. And your knowledge of these facts come from what experience?
  18. I`m not answering for Johnv but I have to say there is some truth in what he says based on the experiences of my mother who retired from the NHS some years ago and my partner who has worked for our local NHS trust for the last 13 years. So many stories of our money being wasted and blatantly stupid decisions being taken. Nurses spending thousands on taxis , staff being made redundant and then agency staff being brought in at higher cost, over frequent mobile phone upgrades and many many more. Some relatively petty but some very serious.
    That is moving away from the original post question though and again based on experience, there are plenty in A+E that know what the problem is and should not be there. I`ve seen parents take their children in with nothing worse than a splinter in a finger. That is very different from concerned parents not knowing what is the matter and wanting an expert assessment/opinion. It would help if there were more walk in centres and minor injury clinics .
    It used to be possible to just go to the GP if you felt ill without making an appointment days in advance. That seemed to me to be a much better system as having to wait a few days must encourage some to go to A+E. Perhaps longer and staggered GP hours would also help as there must be as much chance of feeling ill at midnight as at midday I would have thought.
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  19. I avoid hospitals at all costs. They smell of shit, are full of numpties and old people who should be in care homes. Not a pleasant experience and only worth attending if I am near dead or my family are near dead. Past experience indicates that service is not high on the priority list, but knowledge of the staff is fair to middling. Basic education for parents would have been a great bonus, but a large percentage of the population are as thick as shit - so the service is drected to appease their concerns and worries.

    Basic knowledge concludes that if a place smells of shit there is airborn bacteria present, therefore not a good place to be.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. the NHS is a great concept............trouble is its become a political toy, one side sees the opportunity of squeezing profit out of it for their big city mates....the other want all and sundry to be able to benefit from it........

    its going to burst either way.....
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