
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Since there have been a couple of high-profile political defections lately (Messrs Carswell and Reckless), the topic has risen up the agenda.

    Down the years many MPs have defected from an opposition party to the government party in hopes of getting ministerial office, not least Winston Churchill (twice).
    In 1981, 29 MPs defected to the new Social Democratic Party (28 Labour, 1 Conservative) - 23 of them lost their seats at the 1983 general election.
    In 1994 there was a by-election at which Alec Kellaway got himself nominated as the LibDem candidate, then after the time limit for nominations had passed Alec defected to Labour; the Lib Dems were left with no candidate.

    The recent defections from a government party to a marginal opposition party are fairly unusual, although on balance perhaps less duplicitous than some previous ones.
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  2. What? :Wideyed:
  3. dare I mention Maurice Johnston,,,,,,,, the judas of all time !!
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  4. UKIP may not currently have any MPs but with around 15 % support in the polls I`m not sure they count as marginal. The Lib Dems look far more marginal at present.We`ll find out in May.
    I HOPE the two MPs in question were caught between towing the party line or sticking to their principles and ended up taking the principled stance although the timing of the second defection looks more like sticking the boot in. Fair enough I suppose, its not as if the Conservatives would refrain from kicking a man while he is down imo.
  5. did you see David Blunkett's resignation letter?

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    • Funny Funny x 3
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  6. According to my mate Dave you've got his first name just slightly wrong
  7. image.jpg The greatest defection of all time
  8. Followed by this.




  9. just shows what a despicable bunch they are.........see how quickly they have turned on the one defecting....yet not a lot at the one with the sex scandal...........beggers belief! bast ids
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Its all a bit shit really. 80% of the people who vote, vote for the party and it's leader, not the actual local candidate, who is in my experience, usually some social reject.
    As soon as somebody defects to another party, the seat should become vacant and a local election be instigated.
    I also don't give a shit if the local MP was sending pictures off of his cock to another consenting adult. As long as they have a good idea how to fund the schools, health system, emergency services, council services etc. Then 'cock-gate' is between him, his wife and the honey trap at the paper.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  11. Funny too how the Lib Dems suspended Chris "Lord" Rennard after a history of alleged sexually inappropriate behaviour to women, involving numerous complaints.

    DLT got prosecuted and has (possibly deservedly) lost nearly everything for similar offences, whilst Rennard gets re-instated (no trial in his case, just a Lib Dem inquiry which came up with a "not proven" type of conclusion) and is back in public life.

    Ah, the hypocrisy ....
  12. Do as we say not as we do!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. matt did you get my policy on schools.........along with the picture.......:Cigar:
  14. Most level headed and intelligent people see the UKIP party for what it is. A bunch of bigoted old imperialists who yearn for Victoria and empire. With a dose of racist reactionary thrown in for good measure. That some of the Conservatives think UKIP is very similar to them and jump ship is quite revealing.
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  15. I don't know enough Ukippers to make much of a judgement about how bigoted etc they are or are not but I`m sure they have their share .
    I find it very hard to come up with many shining examples of humanity from any party though. Convicted criminal Chris Huhne was almost Lib Dem party leader very recently, Lord Rennard rightly gets an honourable mention above by Wroughtiron. Tony Blair did untold damage to the UK not so very long ago and is there anything positive to say about Miliband, Brown,Balls, Harman, Burnham etc based on the last go in charge let alone their plans for the future. Personally I find hyprocrite multi millionaire socialists even worse than the bunch currently lead by the man that El T fantastically describes as looking like a freshly wanked cock. It really is going to be a case of voting for the least bad candidate next May based on the present options.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. Bloody brilliant :Hilarious:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Thus it always has been, it is just that our press ( good or bad) now reports upon it, whereas previously they were in the pocket of the establishment. However the great british press are no better, are just as bent and are a rule unto themselves.
    Completely agree with sam's comments re UKIP no doubt gimlet will be along to disagree.
    If it is not the leaderships stance it appears to be the bread and butter voters stance, which can be dressed up any way you like. I find farage v unnerving with his fags and a pint persona.
    I will no doubt vote the way I normally do, probably more in protest than to make a difference.
    I believe that the most honest uncomplicated recent pm with a decent amount of integrity was the one that the right wing press and therefore the general population vilify .
    Feed them on shit and keep them in the dark ( mushrooms).
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. The title of this topic ought to be 'Defective', because as far as I can see, all bloody MPS are.........certainly defective in the common sense department.
    #18 Ghost Rider, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2014
  19. Seems UKIP are trying to steal the Tory's limelight again. Good luck with that, its the Lib Dems who are about to be shunted into 4th place
  20. Surely people don't defect from one party to another because the parties of the similarities, but because of the differences? People leave a party either to advance their careers, or to jump before they are pushed, or because the former party is too right/left wing or not right/left wing enough for their tastes.
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