Just asking as I have noticed I like them half way through their life or less. Whenever I fit new tyre I do not feel comfortable on it until it is about half way through its life. Yes by then it is squared off but I am aware of it, however at that time I can feel the best what the rear end is up to. I can feel it sliding, skipping well everything as a result I know where is the limit and play with it. For me the feel of new tyre is exactly opposite, I know nothing of what it is doing, I find the limit the hard way as well. Is it only me? I think I like a bit off loss end You lot?
10 miles in at most. Done. Maybe you feel comfy because most of the time you have ridden on old square tyres so used to it
for me 3rd lap+ - 1st & 2nd laps - moves more than usual but then stay constant. On the road - after 10 miles
The bit where you ride away from the tyre centre and realise just how crap your old tyres had become...
Its a fair question. To me a tyre feels at its best as soon as its scrubbed in right to the edge and the sooner that is done the better. "Tyre life" usually means the mileage that can be got out of the tread but performance life regardless of thread wear can be a very different figure. Its pointless saying a tyre has a life of 5000 miles if it rides poorly for the last 2000 of them. My M7RR's are still going well 2000 miles in. No squaring off yet but the central compound is clearly visible running round the tyre. Still very grippy.
Once I've got confidence in them (usually after about 10 to 20 miles, when I've had a decent blat on them and not been worried about them being new) until I think 'oooo, they're looking worn / square.' Once that has occured to me they go soon after!
Well if I were to change tyres when they go square it would be every month, two at max. Square tyre has its benefits..... Straight line stability.....
With a worn tyre you can feel it slipping about at low speeds and can control it, because you are more aware that the tyre is beyond it's best and have more time to react, as the bike is going slower. With a new tyre there is huge amounts of grip, so you push harder and go faster. When the grip is lost, you are going too fast to react to it, so it all ends in tears. It's all about finding the limit and not taking it too far past it. That's what good riders achieve.
Maybe I'm a bit weird, but... I always wear my front tyres out on the sides, rather than in the middle, but the back usually squares off, although not excessively. I always think that my SS handles the best with a just scrubbed rear tyre, but an almost worn out front one. The front tyre worn in a triangular manner makes the front end more pointy, and even running a decent quantity of drop of the yokes on the front forks, the SS doesn't want for stability. I'm running stock ride height at the back.
That does sound like a suspension set-up mismatch between front and rear. When I bought my Streetfighter it had a set of Pirrelli Diablo Rosso Corsas on it and they were worn exactly like yours. The back skittered and the front dived in so sharply it felt like it it would slide out. The front was also worn more on the right hand side. The fact the bike needed a new set of headstock bearings suggested that perhaps the previous owner was given to hooning, slamming wheelies off the throttle and knee-down antic on roundabouts. A couple of times the engine raced during hard acceleration on overtakes. I assumed the clutch was slipping but in fact the clutch is fine. Either the rear tyres was spinning up or slipping on the rim. I changed to a set of Metzeler M7RR's and had a pro suspension set up. There was no static sag at all on the rear shock, the front was over-damped and choppy and had very little feel. Now the bikes rides far better, it can be ridden very aggressively with complete confidence and the tyres seem to be wearing perfectly. No squaring or stepping. Don't put too much faith in stock suspension settings. My Speed Triple was stock and it was almost unrideable on anything other than a perfect surface. A pro set up and it was a different bike altogether.
THat sounds about right but as I am not that a good rider I usually take it well over the top on new tyre and if I recover it is pure luck so in general tray to stay away from limit on new rubber.