I've read all through that and it tells me nothing more than I already knew. Nowhere is it mentioned how they lifted the blocks out of the ground once they were carved. This text also presupposes the use of wooden levers, and I still maintain that is bollocks. The same page says that one of the stones in the valley temple is over 400 tons. There ain't no way in the world you're gonna lever that with wood. There is also evidence at Giza of machining work; perfectly circular holes drilled through stones, and centres drilled out of granite vases. Which suggests to me one of two things; either the dynastic Egyptians had much better technology than we think, or the historians have got the dates wrong.
You could have ten thousand blokes around a 400 ton block, but if all they've got is wood and ropes they still ain't gonna move it.
Evidently you haven't If you search for information you will find it, it's not hidden but you seem more comfortable doing nothing but denying any information given while wearing your tinfoil hat and saying everyone else is wrong. Do your own research, I'm only a curious enthusiast for information like this, I'm not a historian nor do I want to spoonfeed information to anyone who is now evidently too lazy to even properly read whats put in front of them.
Properly read what? Where in that text (or any other) does it tell you how those blocks were lifted out of the ground? And why do you continue to make derogatory remarks rather than just stick to the thread?
Uh! Give me strength. OK, I'll quote the specific other part of that same page for the hard of thinking, I've highlighted the relevant bullet point.
Fail. Where exactly in that text does it say how they lifted it out of the ground??? You're so preoccupied with talking down to me that you're not reading the posts correctly. Or at all. Either show some common decency or go find another thread to annoy people on.
Bear in mind we're talking about 200 ton plus stones here; they would have carved round the sides, then presumably tunnelled underneath the stone, used wedges and water to split it away from the bedrock. But then you've got to get something underneath it to raise it, and I maintain that something was not a bloody wooden lever. Even if you weight it, you have to lift it in the first place, and that initial lifting is what I'm trying to ascertain.
This is getting boring now, never argue with a village idiot as they'll only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, -quote, from the same site.
You haven't asked a relevant question, you've just dismissed the info given, I'm getting exasperated as you're obviously not reading through anything.
Essentially this thread highlights one thing. People today assume they are so much cleverer than the ancients. Thus if today's people cannot understand how a thing was done from their modern perspective, then there is a conspiracy of lies and deceipt somewhere with the scientists involved in its study. Which illustrates the arrogance modern peoples have in their assumption of their own intellectual superiority. Yet they will gladly accept the world they live in whilst paying no attention to the marvels it itself contains. Smashing elementary particles, cramming billions of transistors onto a slice of sand and the contents of a library in their own pockets. Even with that library of all human knowledge at their fingertips, people will ignore it and make up their own fantasies to support their belief in their own intellectual superiority. I would argue that we have regressed intellectually as a mass society. Weve dumbed down because fantasy has replaced religion as belief. Thinking for oneself takes people too much effort and unless it comes top in a google search call Mulder and Skully for a briefing. None of the above is directed solely at Figs, whom I swear is pulling legs for something to do.
Right, let me explain again. I get the pivoting idea, I get the splitting with wedges idea, but in the very first instance of moving that block it has to be physically lifted, and I maintain that no matter how big a piece of wood you have, or how many people involved, a 200 ton block of stone cannot be lifted using wooden levers. Apart from anything else you'd have to clear so much other bedrock there'd be none left to make any other blocks. They must have used another method. Once it's raised even a couple of inches it becomes a different story, but that initial lift is what's bugging me.