I'm not pulling any legs, and I'm no conspiracy theorist, I don't believe in aliens either. But I think the historians have got it wrong.
Pulleys figs. Pulleys. One of humanities greatest discoveries. A device that trades force for distance.
Your going to pull one off while getting an English decorator to use sand paper on it before he gives you a top coat - or did I read that wrong???
That sounds feasible, if you can lower one end enough to get the pivot close to the centre it would work quite easily.
Im assuming that the rocks were cut from a vertical surface, not a horizontal one. Then pulled out sideways, not lifted up
How about they started to cut them out on the surface, bit like a chessboard for example, cutting down. Then they dug a sizeable trench on one side and cut them out systematically. That would work surely
Again, the unfinished piece (which is bloody huge) is surrounded by a trench no more than a couple of feet wide, and the bigger the trench, the more material you waste. So I don't think the whole lever idea stacks up. I think finm has hit the nail on the head.