How Do You Do Yours?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MrAliT, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Just over 12 hours to go peeps......what are you going to do to yours? Burn? Tear? Nail on a wall? I may just chuck mine in the bin if Im honest.

    tax disk.jpg
  2. Going to leave it on the FireBlade as I cant be arsed to take it off. The Ducati hasn't worn hers for the last 14mths (its in the rear seat)
  3. I might sell my car one.......Expires 30th September 2014.........haven't even removed it from the perforated sheet..........
  4. COllectors item I should imagine!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. Just looked at the last bike one that I didn't fix this time.........still in perforated sheet, expires 30th Feb 2015.
  6. My 02 R1 still has 2012 from when I bought it as I couldn't be arsed to change it for the last two years, so I rather expect it will be staying there too.
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  7. I dont have one on any of my bikes either. They just sit in my wallet, thank god they are gone.
  8. Was your wallet stolen :Wideyed:
  9. Just a thought, now that the tax is electronic I wonder if the RAC will have access to the Government / DVLA database?
    The reason being is that they attended a breakdown when Ben broke down, and then refused him recovery on the grounds that the tax wasn't displayed as he'd forgotten it and left it at home.
  10. Haha erm.. funny you should say that actually as I stupidly put my wallet down for 2 minutes in a German service station whilst on the Europe trip and it was taken!! I 'think' the tax disc was not in there but not actually sure, need to check at home!
  11. No, you don't need to check at home, as they are not needed anymore ;)
  12. Can we sell them to the Swiss?
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  13. They'll become the ultimate bling, bit like those scoots in the 60s with 80 mirrors
  14. I'm going all retro and leaving mine on :)
  15. Take it to the bike shed as a modified retro next year :upyeah:
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