The Serious Thread - Archaeology

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. because its bullshit. Next question :Cigar:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Actually, I misread your post Matt. I'd say they were all cut out flat. They would have dressed the front surface while the stone was in situ I'd have thought, and that would be a lot easier if the surface is horizontal.
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  3. Funniest. Thread. Ever.

  4. Can we just move on to the theory of infinity because if we believe that then somewhere Fig is in fact a female purple hippo who can speak seven languages and fly
  5. I reckon they used sharks. With lasers.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Or bees? Or dogs with bees and when the dogs bark, they fire bees out of their mouths?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. thing about pulleys tho is a rope still has to be attached, looking at the rope on my ramp that's rated for four tonnes, pretty heavy and its not that long.
  8. Holes. What about the bloody holes?:mad:
  9. Granite eating worms
  10. Lampreys using enamel-promoting toothpaste.
  11. Ooparts.

    Just need to crack open the right piece of coal and voila, a hammer drill from prehistoric times.
    Hook it up to the Baghdad battery and away you go. ;)
  12. Im sure there was some sort of perished wood, which is as hard as stone. But it could have been as simple as flint...lots and lots of flint
  13. Pulleys exchange force for distance. The clue is there. 1/2 the force, twice the distance...its very simple mechanics. But ignore the answer whilst you chase faeries.
  14. I'm having all sorts of issues believing what I'm told. Splitting limestone is straightforward enough, and I think we've got to the bottom of how it was moved and erected. But making perfectly flat surfaces on granite using bits of flint and wood..?

    The mating surfaces on these huge slabs beggars belief in our time; perfect 90 deg corners, perfectly flat surfaces, joins so tight you couldn't slip a blade of grass between them - I just cannot see how it was done with such rudimentary tools.
  15. What is it with you and pulleys?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. mans gotta have a hobby. Boots' is pulling...pulling what is another matter :Angelic:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. This is a family forum, so therefore I'm out...
  18. I don`t know. they would have been just as intelligent as we think we are, no arguments there. Who`s to say technologies don`t get lost then have to be re-discovered.

    This bit seems to raise questions for the wooden drill bit with sand as a cutting agent though. It could of course be just down to poor technique.

    2. Drilling with a bow drill and copper bits:
    Of course I also experimented with drilling. I built a simple Egyptian bow drill, as shown on several illustrations. After some experimenting I managed to find the right material for the sinew and determined the right tension to use. I used different wooden rods and even copper rods and also used different types of sand and mud. I added water, water and oil, milk and whey to emulsify the sands and prevent the drill bits from heating up too much. But as much as I tried, I didn't accomplish more than a slightly colored spot on the surface of the granite. Only when I changed to a chisel made from steel I managed to drill a couple holes into the granite.
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