Today did 8 @ 1.5 " stainless butts ,,,,,, another 280 to go ,,,,, that will pay for the 749s in 2 / 3 weeks ,,,,,,, if only i can find a place to keep it !!!!!
Been Googling for project bike No 2 bling - I think I've found something quite special but the bloody auction has 5 days to run
@TTonup, nah didnt ride up, try'd that once never again.deffo one of the best festivals, never any trouble..
I've been up since 4.05am and in the office since 6.35am. I have normal stuff to do this morning, a conference call at 2.30pm and then at 4pm I have to head to Manchester for a seminar at 5.30pm. I can see me falling asleep through that as I'm knackered as it is.
Don't do it El T! Don't give them your life - you'll only regret it! You must have reached an age by now when you realise what days and hours of your life are really worth? As it runs out, the price goes up - like any dwindling resource.
I made the curry and it was excellent so here's the recipe. Note that the cooking and preparation times bear no relation to reality (I sometimes wonder if these people don't employ an optimistic Irishman to come up with these timings - "Sure, it'll only take 20 minutes to cook!") I also advise adding in more chilli than they say - I made a double quantity and put in 4. And it's by no means certain that the veg stock is necessary - I had to spend an age boiling it off - sauce too runny. Recipe says it goes well with this so I made that too. Superb!
Good plan. Off you go because I'm not cooking anything today. There is enough of Sunday's cassoulet left over (home-grown borlotti beans!) and then tomorrow, enough of the courgette and prawn curry.
Alex, I have reached that point. And especially since my old dad passed away earlier this year it makes me think about doing stuff that really matters. And actually doing it too. As Barry Sheene once said "At least I won't die of wondering".
Did work. Nothing but laptops and hybrid tablets today, don't know why. Must have been National Laptop Clusterfuck Day. Wheels off the 999s, ready to dropped off at the tyre-changer place tomorrow. Off with the SportSmart 2's, on with the M7RRs. Can't wait to give those babies a try, there's been many good reports on the forum. No further along sorting forks for the 750, I think someone is just going to have to gift me theirs (for a small cash consideration, of course).
Put the speed triple in for a MOT and service, and the Bonnie in for a remap for the open exhausts at last.