I've just removed the tax disc from the bike but I'm totally at a loss as to where to put it now. Where is everyone putting their defunct discs and whats going to take over as the most talked about thread?
have left mine on it,hopefully windup the carpark grasses a bit. havent seen any rule on leaving out of date disc on.
Anyone surprised? DVLA website crashes as worried motorists rush to renew their vehicle tax | Daily Mail Online
I'd be more surprised if they dont come out with a pay monthly direct debit scheme to "help" those on a lower income , Charge a additional "small" fee for this and then fvk em with a fine/clamping ect when they dont have the money in their account...
If you wish to drive someone else's car it is up to you to ensure the VED has been paid. How are you going to do that ?
I suspect that, if it should affect me one day, I will applying the "fuck your broken rules and fuck your fines, too" approach to compliance.
Apparently in certain, less than salubrious, areas number plates are already being stolen off cars that are taxed. Lets face it, with ANRP being the only form of enforcement, as long as the number shows up on the DVLA's database you're not going to get caught. I expect the number of cases of stolen number plates and/or cloned identities to increase massively in the near future. Also - I predict that within the first six months there will be a huge increase in the number of untaxed cars on the road, and all the chavs / scroungers will be using the "I though if you didn't need a tax disc that meant you don't need to pay anymore" excuse... Maybe Andy B could give us his view ?
And maybe in English? I have a feeling JR is not wide of the mark here. It seems like it's a system to make it cheap and easy for Gubmint to take cash off of compliant, law-abiding folk whilst doing next-to-nothing about nailing cheats, scroungers and thieves. Plus ça change!
Allegedly the DVLA has a web portal that allow you to "snoop". Assuming the website has not crashed!!!
If I'm driving someone else's car it's because I know them and I'm sure they would tell me or keep it taxed. The only way I wouldn't know is if I stole it and then it's my fault, which I don't do anyway.
In the bin....? for me I put the last tax for all 3 of my bikes in with their relevant paperwork (don't think I really need to do that TBH but feel that I should) holders went into the recycling bin...
I thought that was part of the change? It took me all of 5 minutes to get my previously SORNd Suzuki taxed from 1st October simply by going to the local post office (fortunately I have one!) and it turned out that they did not need anything aprt from the V5. The lady in the PO said it was somewhat galling that the counter staff are being "encouraged" to tell people to use DD, this taking away yet more business from small post offices which struggle to survive as it is. As long as they keep sending me a reminder each year, I am not bothered. I cannot believe that (apart from maliciious parking "enforcers") anyone has been checking tax discs anyway, and ANPR was probably already the main way in whcih one could be caught (same goes for MoT and insurance). As for borrowing someone else's vehicle, I assume (perhaps wrongly) that it is the registered keeper who is in trouble if you drive it untaxed. I'd be more worried about being sure that the lender has valid MoT and insurance (which does affect the person driving the borrowed vehicle).
money grabbing fvks... they have done there homework in how to make the most out of the working class I'll give them that...
Drive someone else's vehicle and you take a great deal on trust. It is the driver who carries the can, not the registered keeper.
IS it the driver who really carries the can? I think it's the owner isn't it? I mean, when I ever get GATSO'd by some lovely fat wanker wearing a yellow vest hidden behind a parked car, it is always me the poor fucking owner who gets my testicles sellotaped to a table before the lovely Magistrate rapes my wallet while I am forced to watch on! I mean yes, it could have been the chappy down the road who was riding my bike at the time officer, but I really can't remember his name...or his address.... OK Sir, get them out again....how many points Sir? Oh dear, we might have to use duct tape this time Sir...when was the last time you gave yourself a through-shave?...... (a "through-shave" is what is given to the poor bastards who are on the list for any type of operation in the nether regions...)
clearly this is just a money saving / making scheme. i doubt very much the DVLA have considered in enough detail of the fall out / issues that arise from this move - yet are geared up to earn from it for sure. the sooner the duty is moved to fuel the better. far fairer system, cannot be exploited, saving the DVLA even more on overheads - however would possibly call into question their existence for doing a piss poor job at everything else they do. I have replaced mine in the transit for a biscuit should i get peckish.
Another "put the tax on fuel" suggestion. Britain already has just about the most heavily taxed road fuel IN THE WORLD ! How much more tax do you want on road fuel ? Diesel fuel in the Falklands is imported over 7500 miles, and yet is still sold at 64p per litre - why ? Because the local government don't feel the need to f*ck everyone over with HUGE tax like the UK government do...
i appreciate that, but back in the real world they are simply not going to give up collecting the road fund are they ? while i don't think the current system is fair, at least building the duty into the fuel means the people in fuel efficient cars reap the rewards as does the guy with the classics who uses them rarely. Can you think of a better way ? I drive a R32 golf as my main car and the tax on that is £480 yet the TT with the same engine / gearbox combo is half that - how is that fair ? both do the same MPG and pollute the same. I am not complaining - i have another cheaper car to tax and a transit too, and i choose to run a 3.2 engine and the costs that come with that.