1200 Multistrada Front Wheel Rim

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Robin, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. hi all.
    i have a question.
    Can 2012 Ducati install at multistrada 2013 ?
    my original multistrada front wheel rim is broken, so i search in ebay and i found this rim look like original multistrada front wheel rim.
    thanks for advice ...

    (picture from Ebay)
  2. I believe it is identical, the only differences will be in weight (unlikely significant) and shape.
  3. But the spoke design is different so wouldn`t match. what does "Broken" mean ?
  4. yup should fit
  5. verb - past participle of break.

    reduced to fragments; fragmented.

    ruptured; torn; fractured.

    not functioning properly; out of working order.

    Meteorology. (of sky cover) being more than half, but not totally,covered by clouds.

    changing direction abruptly:

    infringed or violated:
    A broken promise is a betrayal of trust.

    Sorry.....I couldn't resist it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Ha thanks for the clarification. I just wondered if in this case it meant bent. As I had one straightened by motoliner back to perfect. I guess in this case it means fragmented.☺
  7. i have ask many Ducati friend and shop.
    some said can some said cannot.
    because maybe off set problem...
  8. Robin, I don't think they've changed the rotor offset between those 2 wheels. What city are you in? Your dealer should know if the offset is different. Is that wheel from a streetfighter or a 1199?
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