Ah, so that's why Audi bought Ducati. - Yeah, great idea. :Banghead: VW reveals 167mph Ducati-engined XL Sport concept | Autocar
Now that'll last a lot of miles pulling all that weight around, with two adults that's less than 200 BHP per tonne too, it's shit, it won't work and thankfully won't be built :Hilarious:
I love it, Are you saying the Pani engine is only good for occasional use with one person? why would any one buy one? I wish stuff like this was built more often, it shows what companies can do, rather than a man in a shed, there are countless offerings on youtube of bike engine d cars, but they are home made and in some cases look a little "Heath Robinson" I would love one on my drive
And on your drive is where it would stay - there are biker engine cars that work - with Hayabusa Engines - Aerial Atom perhaps being the best with it's twin Busa V8
Exige, don't lie. You want it. Badly. The power-to-weight issue is irrelevant as you'd never put any miles on it anyway.
Exige runs his Exige and loves it - in comparison that looks awful and is too heavy for a start - too Audi ish too... put two full grown adults in it and the performance will be pitiful too...
The rear has a touch of DB4 about it, the front a squashed Golf. Its a bit formulaic and bland in a way most audi's or indeed German vehicles can be. I cannot take the performance figures seriously for a v-twin hauling two or three times the weight of the bike around. Its pushing out 197bhp apparently. Is it using the panigale gearbox? Where the flywheel connected? I dont believe the figures. They may indeed be correct but I'd rather have an Exige (the car not the old scrote).
I reckon that could be awesome, the engine is beefy enough to deal with the weight imo. The gearing looks odd mind; 30mph more than an Exige? you'd expect them to lower the top speed in return for better performance low down. Perhaps the engine isn't up to dealing with that weight as mentioned?? They need to show what it is capable of on track and what it sounds like. It it will go around corners anything like an Elise/Exige (strong shout admittedly) then it's a winner. Imagine an Elise with a Panigale 1199 engine screaming away inside?
"This engine, together with a seven-speed DSG transmission, launches the sports car from 0-62mph in 5.7 seconds and revs up to 11,000rpm". So we'll see that gearbox on the panty girdle next year then