Good luck Merv. Is it left or right hip? If it's the left, and you don't get on with it, would you consider selling it to me? Going to need one soon, I reckon.
I've spent two hours today with someone trying to sell me Action Coaching for umpteen thousand earth pounds. He failed.
It's my wife's birthday today, so I gave her a ring as a present. She wasn't the least bit grateful just because I rang her from the pub
I am now bubonic,tucking into a chicken sandwich to be followed by a bag of Percy Pigs.Guess the wrong word above!
See, you both needn't have the op, could have tied you both together and made one good one that walked straight
Well Los,me left one is also on its way out.However we don't want you going round in circles or having one leg longer than the other. I hear April is are good for parts.Can you wait that long though?
Spent yesterday in wee jock mcplop land. Had a wee haggis with my breakfast, read the Herald then dashed around South Lanarkshire and Mid Lothian before heading back via Flybe.