1200 My Latest Problem - Any Ideas

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by GarySN, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. Had the 22500-mile service done in July, at which point they identified a noise which was a likely indicator of a problem with the main bearing in the engine. They booked me in for the end of July and let me have the bike back, telling me I could continue riding.

    Almost immediately, I noticed a tiny vibration on the front brake lever when using it at low speeds, as if the ABS was kicking in. It didn't happen every time I braked, and seemed random. When it did happen, it was accompanied by a slight hiccup in the fuelling as I tried to pull away again, along with the red light flashing, which the manual suggests is what happens when the rev-limiter kicks in. The symptoms disappear almost immediately after occurring.

    I mentioned it to Snells when I gave the bike back for the engine work, which ended up overshadowing the issue. The bike is still doing the same thing and it seems to happen following a period on constant throttle, like the end of a motorway trip (which make up most of my daily commute). Other than that there is not other pattern to it, and it doesn't to it every time.

    I'll be back there in couple of weeks for an oil change following the engine work, so I'll mention it again, but wondered if anybody else had experienced a similar problem, or has any ideas what might be the cause.

    Any advice gratefully received.


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  2. sounds like an ABS sensor.

    I've just had front and rear sensors replaced. my problems were mainly from rear one (your symptoms, plus the speedo went off) but when dealer plugged the bike in, both were reported as faulty.

    not cheap to replace, luckily, both were covered under extended warranty.


  3. Check for warped front disks?
  4. as act plus sticking/gummed up pad?
  5. Thanks for the replies. I don't think the disks are warped, as the problem is only intermittent. They did tell me that the front pads were close to the limit when the bike was serviced, so maybe a change and a thorough clean of the callipers is in order.
  6. I think ABS sensor(s), red light on front flashes for rev limiter and also when abs kicks in.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Was it the main bearings that were replaced Gary?.....what did Snells have to say about that being necessary at such a low mileage? (thinking of the several other similar cases of main bearing and/or conrod/crank bearing issues and failures)
  8. Yes, it was the main bearings, plus a piston and liner and various incidentals that had been damaged as a result.

    Snells, as always, were sympathetic and supportive. When Ducati UK said they were only willing to supply the parts, but not cover the labour, Snells suggested they would support my case if I escalated in writing, which I did. This culminated in a conversation with Steve Cox, who flat refused to change his stance, claiming I should be grateful for the fact they were willing to cover the parts. I pointed out that if the parts hadn't failed in the first place, I wouldn't have a £1300 bill to cover. He cited my mileage as 'quite high', so when I suggested that an engine's internals should not be failing at 23,000 miles, especially on a bike that is marketed the way it is, it fell on deaf ears.

    Frankly, I'm disillusioned with the whole Ducati experience. Yes, when it's working, it's a magnificent machine, but it doesn't work reliably and the aftersales support is pitiful. I struggle to think of another bike that'll tick all the same boxes, but I'll be looking to replace the Multi while it still has some trade-in value. Whatever I end up with, it won't be a Ducati.
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  9. I had the same experience with Steve what's customer service? Cox a number of times myself, on a much lesser scale of things but same principles.
    On each occasion I got his decisions overturned by writing to Ducati Italy - logon at Ducati - Bikes, Equipment, Accessories, Racing, Company, Dealer - Official Site Ducati and then go to:
    Ducati Contact Form
    ....give a brief outline of what has happened and your 'complaint' re the lack of the support you've had from DUK/Steve Cox - ask for the email address of the senior manager/head of customer services so that you can write in more detail. You'll probably get a phone call from Italy initial, stick to your guns and they'll most likely see you right.

    Shouldn't have to be such hard work but it's the end result that counts! ;-)

    Good luck.
    #9 AndyW, Sep 30, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2014
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. Thanks Andy. Have followed your advice. Wil keep you posted on the outcome.
  11. Sounds like and MCN thing to me...
  12. ?
  13. I would like to get one of those never ending warranty things...sounds good
  14. Contact Us | MCN

    Dear MCN, I write as a disgruntled Ducati Multi owner, having Been told by Steve Cox at DUk my 22k mile motor is high mileage and its expected that it should have broken by now so they are unwilling to be reasonable in the issue with my 3 year old bike'

    Etc etc
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. They will not ruin their relationship with Ducati due to advertising revenue - I've been advised a certain member of the press would not report on my prototype 999 due to 'relationships' with Ducati also :Smuggrin:
  16. But tbh yours is a 'nothing' story ie its not going to sell space that they womt help you. A broken multi, with a gramd with increasing sales and a rep to protect, may be different
  17. They won't report it though if it will upset one of their customers, simples.
  18. Cheers, I might just give that a try. Noting to lose and all that.
  19. It's incredibly short-sighted of Ducati UK to do this. If the incidence of this kind of serious engine problem is 1 in 100 bikes sold, the cost to Ducati is relatively small in comparison to the awful publicity this kind of story creates. I love my Multi but some (electronics) problems on my bike and stories like this have me eyeing BMW, Kawasaki and KTM for potential replacements. Wake up Ducati UK!! We live in an age where bad news travels like wildfire. You need to minimize it!!
    • Agree Agree x 3
  20. And of course BMW,Kawasaki and KTM would all pay for probably around £2000+worth of parts on a 3 year old bike...i doubt it :)
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