Similar enough to share views but with a particular item of interest better represented on the other party. UKIP = Tories²
quite ironic isn't it that being a tory or ukip supporter is seen as being totally uncool but when a large group of peoples want to move away from tory ukip values and try something different from the ground up, they get seen as crazy insular fools. looking forward to the up and coming debates on here.
You are right that tory & UKIP = uncool but how on earth can being labour or lib dem be cool ? I mean, just look at them ! I think we have to accept that by and large MPs are knobs, with a few exceptions of course, and based on what I have witnessed over the last few decades my opinion is that we can trust the traditional parties to shaft the country one way or another, it is just a case of choosing your poison.
Politicians (like most people tbh) are completely selfish pricks. Stupid they are too, letting all the shit that we've seen over the years come out. You would've though the people 'running' our country would be smart enough to hide their tracks? Anyway I think party politics has run it's course. They are all more or less the same crap, with minute differences in their actual view of how things should run, hence this 'defection' is a non event. Big fucking thing for the politicians though were party loyalty rather then personal belief is what is valued. This constant beating of other parties views, no matter what the subject (never agree with other parties unless someone is dead) is so tedious. The time has come for giving people more power, I think by and large we are educated enough to take control. We don't need a bunch of fuckwits bathing in luxuries deciding 'what's best for us'. Some sort of bitchain based future of running things makes sense.
I have followed Douglas Carswell for some time, ever since he wrote The Plan along with Daniel Hannan, and find him an interesting and principled, if slightly eccentric, man. I welcome MPs who become more responsive to their principles and constituents than to the party machine. I know nothing about Mark Reckless.
Another one for farage more in keeping with the ideology BBC News - BNP expels ex-leader Nick Griffin
It doesn't matter what party this bloke stands for you just can't take that face seriously and more so when his mouth opens...