Civil Rights

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chizel, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Is not being allowed to park in a certain area unless i have credit on my phone and a bank card (with money in the account) not a breech of my civil rights? after all. I am a tax paying citizen and have cash in my pocket...
    That cash says legal tender on it as well.... or i promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of xxx..
    Why the fvk can i not as a tax payer, with or without a bank account (and cash in my pocket) have the same right to park as anyone else?
    Why cant i get on a bus with legal tender? when did cash become illegal currency and how many tax payers voted for that?
    When i park at my local tescos there is a council (tax payer) owned carpark, for which there is a fee... no prob, but i can no longer give my ticket (eg 1 hour) to someone else to use because now you need to put your reg number in.. i have rented that fvken space for 1 hour and we aint talking sub letting here, im giving the balance to a fellow human and promoting communal spirit..
    Its the fvking tax payers carpark .... i've gone of topic slightly... the first point is surely a breech of civil or human rights..
  2. Cash isn't .illegal' but a vendor doesn't have to accept cash if he doesn't want to. He could ask to be paid in bags of rice if he wanted.
  3. so you accept the way things are? cant even get on a bus in london with cash.. is that ok?
  4. I will not be paying for anything with a mobile phone.
  5. This is a serious question. How do people pay ?
  6. No it's not ok but there's sod all we can do about it short of boycotting anywhere that won't take cash, but our little "don't agree with that" minority would soon be outnumbered by those who will happily conform.
  7. It's very rare for me to carry cash, embrace the future (or more accurately tech that has been around for years, is very successful and 99.999% of the time secure)
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  8. Say that was the only option and your battery went flat...
  9. I want to pay for beer in gold coins, try convincing them its real
  10. anyway you missed the main point.. as a tax paying citizen who may or may not have a bank card why do i not have the right to park where i want (providing i have legal tender to pay).
    Johnv you have to by an oyster card, provide id ect ,,, i have been in england 12 years and caught a bus maybe 10 times but the last time i tried i had £9.00 in my pocket, wait 20 mins for a bus, got on and was told that my money was no good.. i needed an oyster card. So i asked to buy one but they dont sell em on buses.. so i asked the driver where i could get one.. the only place he knew of was 2 miles away and closed as it was a sunday...
  11. Dislike my post as much as you like Chizel, like it or not its the future.
    Oh and proper preparation and planning prevents piss poor performance ;)
  12. A citizen of what? I don't understand. What is a citizen?
  13. A Man City supporter.

    True fact!
  14. given a huge proportion of londons revenue comes from tourism dont you think that this combined with the loss of ticket booth operators on the underground is some what short sighted?
    steve R you were lucky that you could find somewhere to purchase a card.. must of been during working hours in the city. and the fact YOU found it easier doesn't negate the point does it?
    But as i said you are missing the main point... As tax payers why can some park and not others? are people with out bank accounts (or money in em) but with cash in their pockets second class scum who must turn around and drive home because the steve Rs are ok??
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Oh a United supporter!
  16. got kids?
  17. I have been in the UK for the last 60 years and I didn't know this !
  18. No cash on the underground either ?

    Oyster Card ?

    What is an Oyster Card ? I guess I will have to google it.

    You just don't get these problems north of Kendal.
  19. I know nothing
  20. Yep, planned as well :upyeah:
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