Civil Rights

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chizel, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Well its a fact and despite the smart arse (im ok jack) comments from others its a sad state of affairs.. I thought this country had a back bone but it turns out most dont seem to mind the erosion of liberties until it truly smacks em in the face. (by then it will be to late)
    steve the fact the you think where you live makes you separate from the rest of the country's problems is probably one of the biggest problems in this country...
  2. again it worked for YOU... im ok fvk the rest of em... the parking situation in london is fine too for those that have a bank account with money in it but not for those (obviously less worthy) that dont.. you are missing the point..
  3. Is it or is it not a breech of civil rights to deny someone the right to park (assuming he /she has the money to pay) based on the fact that they either have no bank account ( as far as im aware not compulsory in the uk) or no money in said bank account... yes or no?????
  4. it's all bollox mate. you are now being held to ransom.
  5. I dont know if its against any civil right type thing.However,you should be able to pay with cash, for anything.i know its the way of the world to flash your phone and pay for this or that but its not for me.I would rather have my meagre few bob in my pocket.
  6. It's all so they can track your movements...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Great if you're happy to be tracked 100% of the time by a govt entity.

    HitLer and stalin would be proud of what Britain has become:elitist and en ouraging of one citizen (altho are t we tevhnically subjects?) to grass on another and where we find it acceptable 'if you have nothing to hide' for our govt to track us more than even the Chinise do their lot
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Cash coins and notes are only tokens that pass on a promise of value. They are more convenient than offering some of goods in exchange for a service or other goods. Oyster Cards or Bank Cards are just a way of storing the tokens elsewhere but still allowing you to use them.
    I don't see whatthe fuss is about.
    Even when Gold was used it was just a token offered in place of a service or commodity. In itself Gold has no intrinsic value.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. You dont see what the fuss is about because obviously it does not effect you but there is still alot of people out there with out a bank account and some with no money in em!!!! does this mean they have no right to park in a city that they helped build, help maintain and run through the payment of tax, all because some bean counter wants to slash more jobs and make it as hard as possible to avoid getting fines? There is also believe or not alot of people with out mobile phones or the credit to ring these nasty fvkn pay by phone cvnts...... why is there no option?
  11. Is this one of those "First world problems" we hear about?

    Really? Your human rights are being violated because you can't pay for parking with coins?

    Get a grip FFS
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. Makes me laugh when people quote 'promise to pay' and money has no real value. Try using a bit of paper with 'promise to pay' written on it
  13. yeah, most places don't take cheques any more
  14. i do. wont except English notes tho.
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  15. Cash is an outdated concept, the sooner we get rid of it and move to a direct currency transfer system the better off we will be. Why mug someone or rob a shop / bus / bank if there is no cash to take?
    As for the bank account issue, who doesn't have a bank account? (after all pensions and tax credits etc are now paid directly into them). And if for some reason you can't get one through lack of money (practically unheard of now) parking a car (which you couldn't afford either) is the last of your worries!
    I've said before I don't like carrying cash, paying with a card or an online system is simple, convenient and safer than carrying around a pocket full of metal and paper which have an arbitrary value.
  16. how many people do you know that's been mugged over how many people you know have been skimmed?.
    a couple of years back the bank tried to make me take insurance out to cover identity theft, cocks, if they give my money to the wrong person i can only see it as their problem.
  17. If you get mugged, you've lost your cash, if you get skimmed it either gets stopped and returned or is covered by the banks insurances.
    ID theft is a slightly different issue, the insurance is to make sure you get your money back immediately. You can still claim your money back if you can prove you are a victim but it will take longer.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Cash free public transport has been the norm in many countries for years. Take Italy for an example
    Before you get on a bus you have to buy your ticket in a tobacconist. When you get on the bus its validated ina machine. It was like that 30 years ago. Don't know if the locals have a simpler system such as Oyster Cards.
    I noticed in Singapore this year that people held there mobiles to the turnstiles and went through. First thing I did when I got there was buy the transport card. It's valid on tube bus taxi. For the foreigner it's simpler than trying to decipher the currency and keeps the system flowing
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  19. No seller of any goods or services - food, clothes, energy, rent - is under a strict obligation to sell to you at all, let alone in exchange for any particular kind of payment chosen by you. A seller could decide they will not accept cash and will only take card payments, or PayPal, or credit transfers. Or that they don't want you as a customer. If you are offended by that basic fact, paying for parking is the least of your worries.
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  20. Not entirely accurate, Pete.

    Didn't we get enraged not so long ago about a B&B owner who was successfully sued by a gay couple who were refused a room on the basis of the sexual orientation?
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