A business cannot lawfully refuse to supply goods or services to a customer on grounds based on unlawful discrimination, e.g. because the customer is black, or gay, or Irish. But a business can lawfully refuse any customer provided this is not on the basis of unlawful discrimination, e.g. because the customer is drunk, or violent, or cannot pay, or tries to steal things.
So you can refuse to serve a customer for no reason at all but you cannot refuse if you have a reason that is prohibited by law. "Seems legit."
If you just happened to refuse to serve every black customer who walked into your shop, for no particular reason, but you just happened to serve every white customer, after a while the pattern might demonstrate something. If you accepted a booking from a customer, but then refused to honour it only after discovering the customer was black, again claiming it was for no particular reason might not be plausible.
I have a grip FFS . if you can see no wrong in this than you are a fool... you dont work in london do u?
On the occasions I do work in London I find the convenience of travelling using an Oyster card and paying to park by phone some of the few good points of the experience. If this is the biggest problem you're facing in life I envy you. Also you may want to revise the level of rage you seem to be experiencing over it, you are probably not doing your blood pressure any good at all.
this is probably the least of my worries but it doesn't make it right does it? you have either completely missed the point or out of sheer arrogance ignored it for the sake of an argument... if you see no problem with the working class being forced to like it or lump it based on a fuvkn politicians call you are either an over privileged twat or ... no thats all...
I worked in London for 10 years on Oxford Street and in Covent Garden for a publishing company. I had an all zones travel pass. It wasn't a problem at all. Who drives to work in London? What does working class or privilege have to do with buying a travel card?
Well reasoned and thought out argument there, well done. I'm convinced. I wish I had your way with language, Oscar Wilde would be envious. Disagreeing with you does not make anyone arrogant, why the hell you are trying to make this a Working Class issue I have no idea, it's not even a political issue. It is simply more convenient for everyone not to have to cart £20 in coins around all the time, you were probably at the front of the queue complaining about how you had to buy a pack of chewing gum to break a £10 because the cashpoint wouldn't give you less than that. The council worker that has to collect hundreds if not thousands of pounds in change is now not going to get his head smacked with a cricket bat by some chav after the money and the council tax payers (that's all of us) don't have to foot the bill for replacing parking meters that get broken open by those same chavs.
Only 5% of low income earners do not have a bank account. Basic bank accounts are available to pretty much everyone now to ensure that financial assistance is provided. 93% of people in the UK have a mobile phone. Nobody is stopping you from paying, just because you don't like it doesn't mean its an erosion of your civil liberties...
Oscar wilde even.. sorry if my grammer and wot not is not up to par old bean,,, (didnt think that made my point less valid) Im not trying to make "it" a working class issue and as some have said its not life or death but it is as major burden on those of us ( working class scum/tradesmen) that have to drive into london and deal with it,,, Point was why can i not use cash to park ? is it not a breach of my civil rights to be forced to buy a mobile phone and open a bank account just to park in the city i live in? despite your personal views about how important it is to you (and the fact you all have well proportioned bank balances.) On a legal level is it right?
basic bank accounts do not allow you to pay over the phone for anything.. only 5% of low income earners do not have a bank account? fair play ,, what is the % of the total working age population of the uk low income or not that dont have a bank account? 93% have a mobile phone but how many have the funds to call the pay as you go shite? you know what ? it aint my country... good luck
Oh please, all basic bank accounts come with a debit card, THAT'S how you pay by phone! 3% of the working age population do not have an account by the way. Not having the money to pay for parking is a totally different issue to disliking the payment method.