When Did Points Start

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ymfb, Oct 4, 2014.

  1. I have had a driving licence for 36 years, my first offence coming a couple of years later when I was framed and got a driving without due care. I'm sure that it was a £30 fine and one endorsement.

    Very recently I was caught bang to rights by Avon & Somerset speed contractor, 73 in a 60 on the dreaded Ilminster bypass.

    It made me wonder what year points took over from endorsements, I have looked on google without success, so far.

    Does anyone know ?
  2. I think it was 1982. I started driving in 1980 and it changed from endorsements to points soon after, meaning I just about avoided losing my license...
  3. that would have been my guess as I think I was eighteen
  4. I think it was around 1988, because I got nicked in 1987 and only got an endorsement. In 1989 I got points.
  5. Nah, I was well and truly banned by then, and I was banned on points not endorsements. It was much earlier in the eighties.
  6. I had my first points in 1985 ;-)
  7. It seems hard to believe but I cannot find thus on google or wiki
  8. Did you need to be a subscriber of Which to find that ?
  9. Thanks for finding it
  10. 1988. I'm surprised, I thought it was much earlier than that.
  11. No. Google was my friend. :)
  12. I got my first speeding ticket in 1985, and I'm certain it was points??
  13. '88 does seem far too late to me.
  14. There used to be endorsements before points. Maybe that's what you're thinking of?
  15. Bought my first bike in Feb '85 and passed my test in November '85 and between those 2 dates I acquired 2 points on my licence (and a £35.00 fine) for carrying a passenger on L-Plates.
  16. bout 2009 I think...
  17. I got my first points the week I got my frst bike in 1986 - I also got knocked off by a hit'n'run and crashed on my Instructors lawn that week too...
  18. got my first 6 in 84 maybe they where called endorsements lost my license in 88 for six months through the toting up thing. didn't stop me riding tho. good job i didn't get caught. jail for that i think.
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