Another Needless Killing

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. just watching the news, Alan Henning has been, its confirmed, be headed by his captures. I won't comment on what I think, too many swear words, but thoughts go out to his family, friends and colleagues and those stil out there risking the dangers of maniacs when actually it's the maniacs own peolpe these guys are trying to help.

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Despicable.
    Such a waste of life and for what?
  3. Truly awful,despicable,but as per Bradders I shall refrain from a torrent. RIP God bless him and his devastated family. One thing I will say is that jets and bombs will not eradicate this,it has to start from a stand by the community these offenders come from,wherever and whichever country that might happen to be. RIP.
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  4. I don't think John Cantlie will be coming home either.
  5. I heard a rumour at the start of the week, that he'd been killed about two weeks back, but that really doesnt matter anymore. Utterly horrific scenes. So so sad. Hope there is still a chance for the remaining hostages
  6. Just awful. A terrible loss of a good man, at the hands of a truely evil man.

    When the authorities catch this Jihadi John. I would like them to put him in a big square room with a small knife in the middle. He's in one corner, and a member of the Parachute regiment in the other. Blow a whistle and let them run for the knife. I don't think it would matter who got there first, the Para would still have is head off in a very slow an painful manner.
  7. without troops on the ground which will not help, the best thing we can hope for is a Hellfire missile through the back window of his pick-up truck.
  8. Send in the troops with no bullshit rules this time and kill them all.

    I know it's not that simple as the shivering little twats will soon swap their uniform and hide in the corner - but if we eventually go in with our usual rules and care in the community to captured enemies it's an insult to their victims.
  9. Western troops won't solve this problem, they will perpetuate it. They would certainly gain a short-term victory but fuel the fire in the long run. The region is going to have to clean its own stables one of these days. And I doubt that will happen until these bandits are knocking on the doors of the ruling regimes. It will have to get much worse before it gets better.
  10. They are already melting into the general background a lot more,hence why the airstrikes are relatively far and few between. The targets are mostly mobile,so it's not like shock and awe hitting comes towers,power plants ,ammo dumps ,airfields etc, these people look like anyone else ,ffs half of them apper to wear premiership football tops! And I wil tell you why it is an international problem. For myself and family we live in London, most of our neighbours have been a round for years,and I truly mean all creed and colours. We get on brill,have annual street parties,always in each others houses,kids play together outside etc. now the tricky and politically incorrect bit. Do I now have a reason to be fearful of a few of my neighbours. Criminals and terrorists never wear a badge saying that, would still mix as usual,but what's going on in their minds no one knows. I know for a fact policing has been changed locally. I hope I am not being pessimistic,nor unfair, but the more poor souls we see murdered in this fashion will start to stoke up a reaction,remember Luton and the reaction a couple of years ago,if that goes nationwide we are in the proverbial.

    I don't want to hijack the thread,not at all, just giving my reaction to such Horrid events,and I certainly do not want to see videos of these events either. I send my thoughts to all the families who have loved ones captured by this lot of bastards,they have hostages from many countries. I only hope that these poor hostages do not know the full extent of how twisted their captors are,however I fear that is not the case. Sorry all,got that off my chest,God help them,and I don't do the God thing!
    #10 michel couque, Oct 4, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2014
  11. @michel couque nailed it earlier on. We can't fix this problem, they have to do it themselves, with their own people. They're sovereign nations after all. To try to intervene/"help" is to embroil ourselves in a 1000 year war where the good guys and the bad guys are indistinguishable and swap sides every couple of years.
  12. Frankansteins monster comes to mind :(
  13. Air strikes are surely just an advert, it'll be intelligence that wins the day. Trouble is, Intelligence and America are two words that are usually mutually exclusive, so I'm rather hoping it's British intelligence on the ground.
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  14. that will be the same british intelegence which gave us the " September dossier ".... ( some may remember that from Blairs " 45 minutes " warning speech :rolleyes: )
  15. Not much in the way of better options...Unless mass oppression appeals.
  16. i would have thot almost any option would be preferable since it was that last one that opened up the gates for the creation of the " ISIS " , but quite what Frankenstein does with his monster I don't know . unfortunately it is the people of Syria and Iraq who are paying a dreadful price..
  17. How do you punish someone who is happy to die?
  18. I know people might think I'm crazy by what I am a bout to say..... But, most of the funding appears to be coming from Quatar, well how can the World Cup be hosted in a nation happy to see funding coming from it to pay for ISIS ? The threat of immediate withdrawal of the World Cup should be made unless the fund transfers are stopped immediately and a full and unequivocal denouncement of such factions must be made. It is with interest that I read the Muslim statements of horror from Manchester etc,they say not in the name of Islam,fair enough,but then say we left the Isis with no alternative as the governments did nothing to help except bombing,so it's our governments fault for the executions,well that pisses me off,the ONLY to blame are the knife wealding terrorist,and no one else.It is time for the Muslim community to say this!
  19. sure, Quatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia etc, openly,( all American created and supported states ) and Britain , America, France etc. covertly, by organising , funding and supplying with arms and logistics a band of international terrorists , malcontents and religous fanatics to over throw the state of Syria ,feeding the growth of ISIS in the process. if the US , GB, etc were serious about riding the area of ISIS they can stop supplying these groups with more arms etc and let the Syrian , Iraqi and Iranian countrys sort out this western created mess ,. To date the american war machine has spent millions of taxpayers $s on bombing their " frankanstein monster ", the American military contractors have never had it so good while the population of these mid east countrys are paying a very high human price.
  20. So many sarcastic answers to that question, but in truth, the only way would be to make it harder to live, but that would just fill them with more hate and make them more determined.
    There is no right answer. The whole thing is a Hydra and thats frightening
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