H982 Fkl - Top Gear Argentina Trip Ends Early!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kirky, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Clarkson is a bell end. Deliberately stirred up shite throughout his career to cover for his lack of any talent.
  2. I could have found out for myself this year, if I'd been allowed to go for that Falklands secondment at work that was on offer. Bastard bosses wouldn't let me go though ... apparently I'm essential to the success of the South West. Yeah, right.
  3. Ah, couldn't work it out - shows how daft it was...
  4. I'd love to think we went to war with the Argies back then purely to protect the people of the Falklands. I'm sure material interests don't come into it at all...
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Just done a little bit of editing. Nothing major, just wanted to try and remove any unintentionally inflammatory comments
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  6. Massive is a bit of an exaggeration.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Did it all happen for real, or was it a TG stunt?
  8. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I hope the B#### get what they deserve. Which is fuck all. God awful place. Over two years?? Jesus...
    #48 Mary Hinge, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2014
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  9. We should count ourselves lucky Galtieri chose to invade when he did.

    if he'd have invaded three months later he'd could have taken it uncontested as Thatcher had already agreed to flog most of the fleet including the carriers to the indians. She was due to sign it all off and ship it out not long after it all kicked off.

    funny old world innit.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Sure we could have swapped it back for Scotland...;)
  11. A few years later in 1986 there was a fresh plan for huge cuts in the Royal Navy. A young officer, Commander Alan West RN, had duties involving top secret documents giving details of this plan. He very unfortunately left copies of the documents in a public place where by coincidence they just happened to be picked up by a journalist who promptly published them. The wide public outrage which followed led to the navy cuts being cancelled. Commander West was court-martialled for negligence, found guilty and given a severe reprimand.

    Strangely enough, this in no way inhibited his subsequent rapid promotion to Captain, Commodore, Admiral, First Sea Lord, and a government minister. In retirement he is now Admiral Lord West of Spithead GCB. Funny old world indeed!
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  12. Are you suggesting the whole this was a ruse? :Muted:
  13. You might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment.
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  14. why do you find it strange? isn't it how it works down there. treating the electorate like fools i mean. seemd to have worked. i guess i just answered my own question.
  15. I think it is how it works everywhere fin.

    Anyway this is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland you are talking about, of which you are part ;)
  16. Advertising Stunt
  17. Thats assuming they were not fools to begin with Finnie.

    BTW your new avatar is about a month out of date. Your now our slave boy, bow to your masters.

    Argentina? Perhaps that should be returned to the indigenous tribes that once occupied it instead of the hispanic invaders that currently reside there. Oh yes and the odd Nazi.

    Maybe we should all fuck off back to the rift valley where modern humans apparently evolved or should we snuggle up to the pond from which life originated.

    The Argentinian argument has no basis in reality let alone fact. Plus they havent the stomach for a fight as our boys can swim the thousands of miles there, walk hundreds of miles over inhospitable land and still have the bottle for a scrap and kick their arses if they had to.

    JC is a bit of a nob and he is right wing and a mail writer. But he is amusing and he rattles the cages of people who need it.
  18. @at jv i haven't signed allegiance to the UK, i am embarrassed by it. :smile:
    @ macboots referendums not until the 18th right?
    i didn't do any promo before only defended it on here. dumb ass. makes me feel better tho.
    turned a no voter at the week end there, just by letting him read the posts on here. but will save it for another thread.
  19. Pete - I hate to dispute your version of events, but - a friend of mine had served with Cdr "Banjo" West, and finding himself in Portsmouth on the relevant day decided to go along to witness the proceedings. He was informed in no uncertain terms that "the courts martial have not been convened today". It's true that, officially, Cdr West was reprimanded but there is some doubt that his court martial ever actually took place. As you say, it did not seem to hinder his progress through the ranks. Draw your own conclusions, but I know what I think...
  20. Yes, we will disagree. But with an attitude like that there's no wonder you didn't get on with the locals !
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