My Streetfighter Stolen :(

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Pavey, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. In broad daylight from outside my work, which is an area of Chelsea where the houses go for around £10m +. Frank Lampard lives over the road. Seems thieves are everywhere.

    It was chained to a ground anchor, which they cut through and bits of it are outside on the ground.

    Please look out for it or let me know if you are offered any parts, such as the Akro cans, lots of cf etc..

    Picture attached, reg is OU60 AKG.

  2. aww no,sorry mate.horrible news.:Sorry:

    ill stick it on triumph forums.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  3. Sorry to hear that mate, it's a proper downer when someone steals your bike.
    I'd have a look on ebay, gumtree etc, for either the whole bike or the parts.
    Is any of it marked? or anything distinguishing about the parts, scrapes etc on the exhaust etc?
    Good luck.
  4. I guarantee bits will appear on ktm660 got nicked (a month after I sold it to my mate) and the wheels turned up last week on ebay (that was over a year ago) - I contacted the bloke to let him know they were stolen but it fell on deaf ears - he mailed me back to say it was a coincidence - but everything matched up with the pic from my bike when I had it.
  5. If I were in your position I wouldn't bother trying to contact ebay, as I believe that it would also fall on deaf ears, however the Police might be interested, as it could lead to catching a gang?
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  6. Gutted for you. :( I'll keep em peeled on fleabay. Those pipes wont come up often.
  7. That seriously stinks. Sorry to hear of this.
  8. Ah - you say that but the biggest kick in the teeth at the time was from the cops.....

    The ktm got nicked along with his trials bike and his kids trials bike as well...he couldn't insure them as they weren't taxed/numberplated....

    He heard third hand that someone knew someone that knew who knicked them...and more importantly where they were (at the time a pikey site near Swindon) he told the plod straight away including the name of the person that apparently knew the thief....the cops wouldn't go to the pikey site and also 2 weeks after they closed the case (and that was officially ie they phoned him to tell him it was closed)

    I mailed the lad essentially appealing to his guilty conscious....they didn't sell the first time but then did....

    The GasGas's cost him 7k - all gone....
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  9. bastards!! Outside, broad daylight, angle grinder or big bolt cutters??!! And no one questions it

    Didnt you have the last one nicked or written off or something not long ago?
  10. A bike is only safe when the owner is sat on it. Ground anchors - pfft…
  11. lowlife scumbags ought to choke on the food they buy from any sale of your bike. I hate swine like this that steal other peoples hard earned pleasure because they cant be bothered! Bassworthingtons should be encased and made fishfood.

    Police, ha! Don't make me laugh, they are only interested in us when they see us having a good time and call it in with the retort of speeding and crossing a white line blah blah blah!!

    And heres my next gripe, INSURANCE.:Finger::Finger::Finger::Finger::Finger:
  12. Sorry you've suffered this. I cannot imagine how it feels.

    Hope the insurance goes a long way towards making this up to you and that you can move past it OK.
  13. Wankers.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. Thanks for the words all, trying to look at that it's just a possession that can be replaced.

    Was just telling my wife, I did have to laugh today when the police said if they do find it they will bring it to me at a cost of £150. Kick a man while he is down! :)
  15. Cnts!! Have a good look at the houses nearby, high value properties may have cctv to the front?
  16. I am yes, the police are too. There are about 5 building sites on the road, who knows who has tipped someone off to it being in the same bay every day. Not pointing any fingers at any type of individual, I am in construction too, albeit in the office.

    Makes you think though, lots of deliveries every day.
  17. Really sorry to hear that Pavey. I can scarcely imagine how I'd feel. There are some thieving sons of bitches in this country. The Arabs have the right idea for dealing with them. I hope your insurance company comes up with the goods.
  18. Gutted to hear this.
    I am surprised that Frank would have to resort to thievery however - don't they pay him enough to buy his own bike?
  19. Sorry to hear of this. I used to be under the illusion that Ducatis weren't so desirable to thieves as jap bikes but it seems every couple of months one goes, particularly in London area. Hope you get it back mate.
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