Civil Rights

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chizel, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. No they dont
  2. Baaaaahhhh
  4. I never use a debit card over the phone or for internet payments. That's what insured credit cards are for.
  5. Aka "North of the wall". See game of thrones.
    #65 AirCon, Oct 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2014
    • Like Like x 1
  6. You paying the Iron price or the Oyster price, ya Southern Softy?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. [​IMG]
    First result on Google, happy to help :upyeah:
  8. move up to the west coast dude, big shortage of good trades men. plenty work.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Are The Night's Watch recruiting?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. dunno, whats the night's watch.?
    i get what he is saying, screw living in the city. little rats scurrying around showing your passes to proceed to the next level. no thanks.
  11. Even my 92 year old nan has a bank account/card
    I don't carry cash with me and contact less has started to be recognised even in my city of which no one has heard of
    When I travel to London being able to book tickets on line and collecting from the station is much better for me
    Could you not write a letter of complaint to the car park company or better still find a car park that accepts cash
    Do your research before you leave and find car parks that are cash
    Ours car parks give you both options cash/card even the hospital
    I don't think there is a civil right to not have a bank account and use money only
    You want to check out who owns you once you have a birth certificate | You and your birth certificate
  12. i don't need to do research.. I'm a self employed tradesman ( i know yuk) that on occasion, at the spur or the moment, has to work in central london.. I cant park several miles away as i need my van and tools to hand. I have a pre paid mobile phone that does not allow me to call the parking number.. I have to by a top up voucher for this and although i always have cash in my pocket i dont always in my bank account.. (the one with a debit card).. So to me its a fucken pain.. and i know Im not alone in this.. The last time i used this service i managed to unwittingly pay for 2 mins parking only and returned to my van to find a ticket and a clamp.. It was not possible to pay 2 mins only on a cash meter as there was a 30 min minimum... Its possible to make this so for a pay by phone system but then you wouldnt catch people out and gain an extra £200.00.... Its fucken farcical and there is no reason why (apart from slashing yet more jobs) that there cannot be an option to pay by cash or phone.. There are over 1 million adults in the uk without a bank account, countless more with no money in their account (but with cash to pay for parking) god knows how many with phones like mine and a fuckload of people young and old that dont have the ability, for what ever reason, to use this system.
  13. So, nice City, cash/card otherwise broken legs?
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  14. Being self employed would you not benefit from an up to date phone for these annoying car parks
    It's got to be cheaper than the fines surely
    I hear what your saying but this is the way forward especially I would say in London
    Most wages/benefits have to be paid into a bank account
    I'm guessing those that don't have accounts have not for a reason
  15. Not car parks ducbird, im talking street parking.. the streets that are owned buy the tax payer... I have an up to date phone but the tariff i'm on doesn't allow me to call certain numbers. Although i may benefit from a better tariff (as i would a new van, advertising, a secretary) unfortunately those things are not available to me at the moment.. But i still pay ALL my taxes so why should i like thousands of others not be allowed to park in certain areas even though i have the cash to pay?? is that not discrimination?
  16. What discrimination about not being able to park because your phone won't let you ?
    How is that discrimination?
    There are more important discrimination issues going on and car parking isn't one of them IMO
    I hear you when you say your self employed but don't you think you owe it to yourself to be able to overcome an obstacle like car parking on the street.


    Section 11 for self employed

    Dash - Cashless Parking Services - terms of use

    You going to tell me now you don't have credit/debit card

    You know you will have to change your job ;)
  17. Get past MY phone... Its discriminating against those who may not have a bank account or the correct phone tariff or money in their bank or even phone reception in the area in which they want to park, Whilst there are far bigger issues in this world for sure (obviously this one does not effect you) Its more than a minor inconvenience for those it does affect. Anyway, enough, clearly i'm wrong. I'll just put my head back in the sand
  18. Your not wrong chizel it's a big inconvenience to you I understand that
    I'm not sure that civil rights or discrimination could be used
    Perhaps contact the local authorities who implemented such schemes and tell them how unfair it is
    Luckily for me I do have the means to be able to pay over the phone
    My frustration when reading your posts is that you put obstacles in the way when you need as self employed to be able to park anywhere for work

    You don't need to bury your head as this obviously annoys you and talking about it may come up with some ideas
    • Like Like x 1
  19. Just saw a programme on TV that discussed the latest scanning methods, gleaned from the latest methods used in Astronomy, that were being used in order to reveal the text on the original Magna Carta document. Marvellous, such innovation. I then had an epiphany.

    Britain loves its history, its heritage. It loves its old documents, ancient buildings, venerable institutions, in fact, anything that is two hundred years old or more.
    Anything that is outdated. Anything that is no longer fit for purpose. If it's old, it's worthwhile and the older it is, the more worthy it is.

    So an enormous amount of reverence is held for an ancient document, for example, and not one thought is given to the idea of a Bill of Rights, a Constitution, whatever you want to call it. Britain cares more about what happened to people long dead, and mouldering in the grave, than it does for what is happening to people alive right now.

    It's this kind of philosophy that makes Britain what it is today - doomed.
  20. Other countries like France, Germany, Italy, and Spain also love their history and heritage, also preserve their old buildings, etc. So do some countries further afield, e.g. Japan. This is not just Britain.
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