Ebola: It's On It's Way!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Wrecked, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    According to a new study, there's a 50% chance that there'll be a case in the UK by 24th October, and 75% that it'll be in France. It's already in the USA and now Spain so wait for the inevitable rising media excitement.
    Fortunately, it's not passed on in the air like the flu is, so there shouldn't be millions of casualties but viruses do evolve into even nastier strains.....

    Spose they're just nature's way of trying to regulate the size of the population a bit.

    Cue Mr. Farage etc. - "Bloody foreign viruses, they come over here, infecting our indigenous Brits....."



    #1 Wrecked, Oct 6, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2014
  2. Five years time - Birmingham......

  3. It'll take more than 5 years to get Birmingham looking that good. :D
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  4. It's ok, my tinfoil hat will protect me!:D
    • Like Like x 1
  5. So is Ebola the new aids?
  6. Its this a new Sun Bingo game?
  7. Ebola Gay?????????
  8. She bombed in Japan.
  9. Fixed it for you.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I'm alright I've still got an unused bird flu vaccine
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. What body fluids can spread the virus?Body fluids include saliva, mucus, vomit, feces, sweat, tears, breast milk, urine, and semen.

    What if the patient is coughing or sneezing? The patient would have to be symptomatic first. Then he or she would literally have to cough or sneeze on you. Finally, that saliva or mucus would have come into contact with your eyes, nose or mouth or through a cut in order for you to be at risk. Coughing and sneezing are not symptoms of Ebola.

    Shamelessly copied and pasted...doesn't sound completely safe to me.....back to my oxygen tent (bought cheap from the Jackson estate...)...not coming out till its over...
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  12. just reread the hot zone......scary as feck.
  13. There have been plenty of lethal plagues before, in Britain most famously in 1347 and 1665. We may be starting to get a slight inkling of how people felt in those days.

  14. You're quackers.
  15. I was going to say something similar, usual media scare mongering imo. Next the sky will be falling down.
  16. Just been given briefing at work and what to do posters :(
    Oh joy !
  17. if you are hospitalised due to suspected ebola you better like pizza as this is all will fit under the door.
  18. I reckon the last thing you'd want is pizza . Sounds like you make your own ewwww
  19. Where do you work? Freetown?
  20. I've initiated panic buying in Waitrose. Look furtively side to side, grab all the tomato ketchup you can and hiss "ebola" at the offspring. Then sprint towards the tills making sure you emulate Marquez and back the trolley into the corners and get your knee and shoulder down as you pass the bit on the end where they keep the batteries in isolation.

    Squeezing one ketchup bottle's contents in a trail to the feminine hygiene products for comedic impact en route adds fun to the whole event.
    • Funny Funny x 1
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