So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. should just do the MP coarse takes half the time and half the brain cells. ;):smile:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. ~ Just working from home waiting to dial in to a meeting - looks like my colleagues have it covered as they haven't called me :Happy:, coffee time!
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  3. jack shit, busiest most productive week ever followed by the quietest. no wage this week. bummer.
  4. Waiting to drive to Gatwick to pick up step-son and his girlfriend who have been in Malta for the last week. It's been a busy week for driving, Norfolk to Gatwick and back, Norfolk to Yorkshire and back and now Gatwick again. Will be over 1k miles in 7 days and 20 or so gallons of diesel burnt. Pick up is about 14.30 and I've got to be back for a quiz at 19.30 so just hope there's not too many hold ups on the motorways today.
  5. Agreed to sell the Triumph :(
  6. Agreed to buy a Triumph :)
  7. Only Joking :)
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  8. Drinking coffee with the girls and having a me day :)
  9. From looking at the photos, no, it isn't ground elder, and it isn't the dreaded Japanese knotweed either.

    It's this dark green weed:


    It has a root system that isn't very deep, but with multiple roots which secure it very firmly. If you pull on it, it snaps. It develops stalks about two and a half feet high if you leave it alone, several to a plant. If you pull on the stalks (which are quite tough) they snap off at ground level. It's completely invasive. And idea what it is?
  10. I'm refurbishing this kitchen garden gate (well, not at the moment; I'm at work).
    It has always looked naff. I suspect it was painted silver once. The village coat of arms look as if they have been painted by a child with poster paints.
    I've removed it, taken the chicken wire off and sanded the gate down, washed it, and rubbed it with alcohol. It's had its first coat of black paint (which is taking a long time to dry in this weather). It needs another coat of black, then the yellow will become copper metallic, and the green will become silver metallic, so that it will look more like the coat of arms on the front door.


    I know that for a top job it should have been sand-blasted and painted black professionally - like the ironwork on the front door. But hey, it's just a kitchen garden gate. It can't look any worse than it did once I've finished with it.
  11. Garlic Mustard? Many orange tip butterflies about
  12. Is this a reply to my mysterious weed?
    Haven't seen any orange-tip butterflies.
    But if you can actually eat the stuff, I may hate it less (not difficult at the moment).
  13. there using garlic to combat ash die back. full of useless info today.
  14. By coincidence I also spent yesterday replacing the side gate to my backyard, and taking the trashy old gate to the tip (sorry, recycling facility). The new wooden gate will be painted red (to match the bike and the garage door), and is a few inches wider so that it's now possible to wheel a bike through it. Also more secure. If it stops raining for a few hours, I may be able to finish off the painting today.
  15. Have spent the last three days celebrating my anniversary at Claridges as it was where we were married, had the pleasure of the surprise menu by John William on Monday evening. Eight courses of sheer gastronomic bliss!
    Today I am recovering from over indulging.
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  16. That must have been great!
  17. I've spent most of today arguing with my wife about holidays.

    I want to go to Majorca, and she wants to come with me
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  18. Very rich food but quite an experience, pairing wines had the wife and I exiting like we were pinballs!
    Truffle and steamed egg was odd but pleasant:)
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  19. Passed my RoSPA retest with another Gold
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