Men dont have wrinkles. We have age wounds. Women have wrinkles and an assortment of cremes for every differing type. I have some deoderant, toothbrush, hair gel (remember hair fin?) and a comb in our bathroom cabinet. The other shelves are full of chemicals and lotions unfathomable to me. Its a 3 shelf cabinet and I have a small corner of it. Bloody wardrobe and drawers in bedroom the same. I have 1 drawer out of 6 and 15% of the wardrobe and that decreases by the minute. I have 2 sets of leathers and my lids as part of that 15%. How many fucking pairs of shoes does she need? I blame Primark.
later. i used to work hard. about 80-90 work shop time plus running a hostel. did me no good what so ever. i mean look at me now, board shitless and conversating with pensioners.