Much as I hate to say it some things are just too important to be left to the markets and electricity supply is one of them, unless it is regulated to point where it might as well be in public ownership anyway.
@bootsam tuff shit. did anyone say it was gonna be easy?. it was mentioned on r4 the other night china and particularly india should be paying compo rather than receiving aid due to the amount of carbon emitted. when i get a commercial lecky contract they expect me to use a minimum amount.:Wtf: back to renewables. i already said i would pay more. i have actively gone looking and got a smaller car now averaging 74mpg. political will and personal responsibility. little dude. think the kids will do a beater job. i know mine are always banging on about conservation.
I dont disagree with you Fin, but reality is that when for example the next door garage to you pays less in overheads because it doesnt have a carbon surcharge and thus is cheaper and forces you out of business, saying tuff shit to your starving children is going to be difficult. We recycle everything in our house. Every bulb is LED. Every thing is switched off when not in use. I am pro emissions reductions and pro renewables. But at the same time I am not ignoring the cold hard facts of reality with a throwaway tuff shit.
As I have said before, I favour a mixed economy. Some goods and services, e.g. food and clothing, are best left to private providers; some, e.g. housing and transport, should be mixed private and public enterprise; and some, e.g. electricity and water, need to be publicly owned and democratically controlled. It seems as though @johnv may agree with me (rather surprisingly). There seem to be people who favour (or used to favour) privatisation of everything, yet do not seem to grasp the consequences: those industries are not under government control any longer, and may sink or swim depending on market conditions and the commercial interests of their owners. The whole UK is left with the results.
I have conceded this point to you previously Pete Unfortunately governments can rarely see past the next election and the whole 'green' agenda has been manipulated for political and personal gain, leaving us with the chaotic situation we have today.
naomi clein on the news now. says it all, mirrors what i said all the way through the indi debate and everything you need to know about climate change and who's really pulling the strings. it was her self on r4 last night.
I think everything you need to know on climate change is that non of the dire predictions that have been made since the mid 80's have materialised. Sure the climate is changing, it always has and it always will, man may even be responsible for some small part of the change but it is primarily a political and economic movement based upon climate models running in supercomputers created by man. The emphasis on CO2 emissions links closely in to our ever harder to sustain hydrocarbon consumption and fails to recognise the other major green house gasses. Meanwhile the proponents of climate change are growing rich on subsidies paid for by all of us.
Nope. In the Pentland Firth, there is a test centre where different firms are testing their machines. Eg a machine may have a capacity of 1gW. So big machines. The lasted study shows the Firth could generate 50% of Scotland's power. The £370bn subsidy for the nuclear station is madness. But I suppose you can't make nuclear warheads from tidal generators.
Oh dear can't be serious. The mind boggles as to which greenhouse gasses are not man made?
Well there's the ones coming out of the sea for one plus the ones coming out of melting Arctic permafrost ... Plus cows ... big producers of greenhouse gases ... and andyb ...
Indeed I can be serious, and just for you here is a link, from NASA no less NASA - Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change
Damn those warmongers, if it wasn't for them we could all live happily ever after with energy for free and no more poverty.
And how how does the increase in water vapour come about John? Increasing evaporation rates due to increased methane and co2 emissions?
749er, you were expressing incredulity, the actual word was "boggles", at the idea that some greenhouse gasses were not manmade. I was just pointing out that you were wrong, despite your absolute self belief. Methane and CO2 were about, and at much higher concentrations, long before man walked this planet yet it still turned into a blue green jewel.